Source code for retentioneering.eventstream.eventstream

# flake8: noqa
from __future__ import annotations

import uuid
import warnings
from import Collection
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Literal, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import track
from retentioneering.constants import DATETIME_UNITS
from retentioneering.eventstream.schema import EventstreamSchema, RawDataSchema
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import (
from retentioneering.preprocessing_graph import PreprocessingGraph
from retentioneering.tooling import (
from retentioneering.tooling._describe import _Describe
from retentioneering.tooling._describe_events import _DescribeEvents
from retentioneering.tooling._transition_matrix import _TransitionMatrix
from retentioneering.tooling.constants import BINS_ESTIMATORS
from retentioneering.tooling.stattests.constants import STATTEST_NAMES
from retentioneering.tooling.timedelta_hist.constants import (
from retentioneering.tooling.typing.transition_graph import NormType, Threshold
from retentioneering.utils import get_merged_col
from retentioneering.utils.list import find_index

from .helpers import (

IndexOrder = List[Optional[str]]
FeatureType = Literal["tfidf", "count", "frequency", "binary", "time", "time_fraction", "external"]
NgramRange = Tuple[int, int]
Method = Literal["kmeans", "gmm"]


DELETE_COL_NAME = "_deleted"

# @TODO: проработать резервирование колонок

[docs]class Eventstream( CollapseLoopsHelperMixin, DropPathsHelperMixin, FilterEventsHelperMixin, GroupEventsHelperMixin, LabelLostUsersHelperMixin, AddNegativeEventsHelperMixin, LabelNewUsersHelperMixin, AddPositiveEventsHelperMixin, SplitSessionsHelperMixin, AddStartEndEventsHelperMixin, LabelCroppedPathsHelperMixin, TruncatePathsHelperMixin, RenameHelperMixin, EventstreamType, ): """ Collection of tools for storing and processing clickstream data. Parameters ---------- raw_data : pd.DataFrame or pd.Series Raw clickstream data. raw_data_schema : RawDataSchema, optional Should be specified as an instance of class ``RawDataSchema``: - If ``raw_data`` column names are different from the default :py:class:`.RawDataSchema`. - If there is at least one ``custom_col`` in ``raw_data``. schema : EventstreamSchema, optional Schema of the created ``eventstream``. See default schema :py:class:`.EventstreamSchema`. prepare : bool, default True - If ``True``, input data will be transformed in the following way: * ``event_timestamp`` column is converted to pandas datetime format. * | ``event_type`` column is added and filled with ``raw`` value. | If the column exists, it remains unchanged. - If ``False`` - ``raw_data`` will be remained as is. index_order : list of str, default DEFAULT_INDEX_ORDER Sorting order for ``event_type`` column. relations : list, optional user_sample_size : int of float, optional Number (``int``) or share (``float``) of all users' trajectories that will be randomly chosen and left in final sample (all other trajectories will be removed) . See :numpy_random_choice:`numpy documentation<>`. user_sample_seed : int, optional A seed value that is used to generate user samples. See :numpy_random_seed:`numpy documentation<>`. Notes ----- See :doc:`Eventstream user guide</user_guides/eventstream>` for the details. """ schema: EventstreamSchema index_order: IndexOrder relations: List[Relation] _preprocessing_graph: PreprocessingGraph | None = None __clusters: Clusters | None = None __raw_data_schema: RawDataSchemaType __events: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any] __funnel: Funnel __cohorts: Cohorts __step_matrix: StepMatrix __sankey: StepSankey __stattests: StatTests __transition_graph: TransitionGraph __timedelta_hist: TimedeltaHist __user_lifetime_hist: UserLifetimeHist __event_timestamp_hist: EventTimestampHist @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "init"}, scope="eventstream", allowed_params=[ "raw_data", "raw_data_schema", "schema", "prepare", "index_order", "relations", "user_sample_size", "user_sample_seed", ], ) def __init__( self, raw_data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any], raw_data_schema: RawDataSchema | RawDataSchemaType | dict[str, str | list[RawDataCustomColSchema]] | None = None, schema: EventstreamSchema | None = None, prepare: bool = True, index_order: Optional[IndexOrder] = None, relations: Optional[List[Relation]] = None, user_sample_size: Optional[int | float] = None, user_sample_seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self.schema = schema if schema else EventstreamSchema() if not raw_data_schema: raw_data_schema = RawDataSchema() if "event_type" in raw_data.columns: raw_data_schema.event_type = "event_type" elif isinstance(raw_data_schema, dict): raw_data_schema = RawDataSchema(**raw_data_schema) # type: ignore self.__raw_data_schema = raw_data_schema if user_sample_size is not None: raw_data = self.__sample_user_paths(raw_data, raw_data_schema, user_sample_size, user_sample_seed) if not index_order: self.index_order = DEFAULT_INDEX_ORDER else: self.index_order = index_order if not relations: self.relations = [] else: self.relations = relations self.__events = self.__prepare_events(raw_data) if prepare else raw_data self.__events = self.__required_cleanup(events=self.__events) self.index_events() self._preprocessing_graph = None
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "copy"}, scope="eventstream", allowed_params=[], ) def copy(self) -> Eventstream: """ Make a copy of current ``eventstream``. Returns ------- Eventstream """ return Eventstream( raw_data_schema=self.__raw_data_schema.copy(), raw_data=self.__events.copy(), schema=self.schema.copy(), prepare=False, index_order=self.index_order.copy(), relations=self.relations.copy(), )
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "append_eventstream"}, scope="eventstream", allowed_params=[], ) def append_eventstream(self, eventstream: Eventstream) -> None: # type: ignore """ Append ``eventstream`` with the same schema. Parameters ---------- eventstream : Eventstream Returns ------- eventstream Raises ------ ValueError If ``EventstreamSchemas`` of two ``eventstreams`` are not equal. """ if not self.schema.is_equal(eventstream.schema): raise ValueError("invalid schema: joined eventstream") curr_events = self.to_dataframe(raw_cols=True, show_deleted=True) new_events = eventstream.to_dataframe(raw_cols=True, show_deleted=True) merged_events = pd.merge( curr_events, new_events, left_on=self.schema.event_id, right_on=self.schema.event_id, how="outer", indicator=True, ) left_delete_col = f"{DELETE_COL_NAME}_x" right_delete_col = f"{DELETE_COL_NAME}_y" merged_events[left_delete_col] = merged_events[left_delete_col].astype("bool") merged_events[right_delete_col] = merged_events[right_delete_col].astype("bool") left_events = merged_events[(merged_events["_merge"] == "left_only")] both_events = merged_events[(merged_events["_merge"] == "both")] right_events = merged_events[(merged_events["_merge"] == "right_only")] both_events_deleted = both_events[both_events[left_delete_col] & both_events[right_delete_col]].copy() both_events_deleted_left = both_events[both_events[left_delete_col] & ~both_events[right_delete_col]].copy() both_events_deleted_right = both_events[~both_events[left_delete_col] & both_events[right_delete_col]].copy() both_events_not_deleted = both_events[~both_events[left_delete_col] & ~both_events[right_delete_col]].copy() right_events = pd.concat([right_events, both_events_deleted_left, both_events_not_deleted]) left_events = pd.concat([left_events, both_events_deleted_right]) left_raw_cols = self._get_raw_cols() right_raw_cols = eventstream._get_raw_cols() cols = self.schema.get_cols() result_left_part = pd.DataFrame() result_right_part = pd.DataFrame() result_both_part = pd.DataFrame() with warnings.catch_warnings(): # disable warning for pydantic schema Callable type warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) for col in cols: result_left_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=col, suffix="_x") result_both_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=both_events_deleted, colname=col, suffix="_x") result_right_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=right_events, colname=col, suffix="_y") for col in left_raw_cols: result_both_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=both_events_deleted, colname=col, suffix="_x") result_left_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=col, suffix="_x") for col in right_raw_cols: result_right_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=right_events, colname=col, suffix="_y") result_left_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=DELETE_COL_NAME, suffix="_x") result_both_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = get_merged_col( df=both_events_deleted, colname=DELETE_COL_NAME, suffix="_x" ) result_right_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = get_merged_col(df=right_events, colname=DELETE_COL_NAME, suffix="_y") self.__events = pd.concat([result_left_part, result_both_part, result_right_part]) self.index_events()
def _join_eventstream(self, eventstream: Eventstream) -> None: # type: ignore if not self.schema.is_equal(eventstream.schema): raise ValueError("invalid schema: joined eventstream") relation_i = find_index( input_list=eventstream.relations, cond=lambda rel: rel["eventstream"] == self, ) if relation_i == -1: raise ValueError("relation not found!") relation_col_name = f"ref_{relation_i}" curr_events = self.to_dataframe(raw_cols=True, show_deleted=True) joined_events = eventstream.to_dataframe(raw_cols=True, show_deleted=True) not_related_events = joined_events[joined_events[relation_col_name].isna()] not_related_events_ids = not_related_events[self.schema.event_id] user_id_type = curr_events.dtypes[self.schema.user_id] merged_events = pd.merge( curr_events, joined_events, left_on=self.schema.event_id, right_on=relation_col_name, how="outer", indicator=True, ) left_id_colname = f"{self.schema.event_id}_y" left_events = merged_events[(merged_events["_merge"] == "left_only")] both_events = merged_events[(merged_events["_merge"] == "both")] right_events = merged_events[(merged_events[left_id_colname].isin(not_related_events_ids))] left_raw_cols = self._get_raw_cols() right_raw_cols = eventstream._get_raw_cols() cols = self._get_both_cols(eventstream) result_left_part = pd.DataFrame() result_right_part = pd.DataFrame() result_both_part = pd.DataFrame() for col in cols: result_left_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=col, suffix="_x") result_right_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=right_events, colname=col, suffix="_y") result_both_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=both_events, colname=col, suffix="_y") for col in left_raw_cols: result_both_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=both_events, colname=col, suffix="_x") result_left_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=col, suffix="_x") for col in right_raw_cols: result_right_part[col] = get_merged_col(df=right_events, colname=col, suffix="_y") result_left_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = get_merged_col(df=left_events, colname=DELETE_COL_NAME, suffix="_x") right_delete_col = f"{DELETE_COL_NAME}_y" result_right_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = right_events[right_delete_col] result_both_part[DELETE_COL_NAME] = both_events[right_delete_col] result_both_part[self.schema.event_id] = get_merged_col( df=both_events, colname=self.schema.event_id, suffix="_x" ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # disable warning for pydantic schema Callable type warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) self.__events = pd.concat([result_left_part, result_right_part, result_both_part]) self.__events[self.schema.user_id] = self.__events[self.schema.user_id].astype(user_id_type) self.schema.custom_cols = self._get_both_custom_cols(eventstream) self.index_events() def _get_both_custom_cols(self, eventstream: Eventstream) -> list[str]: self_custom_cols = set(self.schema.custom_cols) eventstream_custom_cols = set(eventstream.schema.custom_cols) all_custom_cols = self_custom_cols.union(eventstream_custom_cols) return list(all_custom_cols) def _get_both_cols(self, eventstream: Eventstream) -> list[str]: self_cols = set(self.schema.get_cols()) eventstream_cols = set(eventstream.schema.get_cols()) all_cols = self_cols.union(eventstream_cols) return list(all_cols)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, raw_cols: bool = False, show_deleted: bool = False, copy: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert ``eventstream`` to ``pd.Dataframe`` Parameters ---------- raw_cols : bool, default False If ``True`` - original columns of the input ``raw_data`` will be shown. show_deleted : bool, default False If ``True`` - show all rows in ``eventstream``. copy : bool, default False If ``True`` - copy data from current ``eventstream``. See details in the :pandas_copy:`pandas documentation<>`. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ cols = self.schema.get_cols() + self._get_relation_cols() if raw_cols: cols += self._get_raw_cols() if show_deleted: cols.append(DELETE_COL_NAME) events = self.__events if show_deleted else self.__get_not_deleted_events() view = pd.DataFrame(events, columns=cols, copy=copy) return view
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "index_events"}, scope="eventstream", allowed_params=[], ) def index_events(self) -> None: """ Sort and index eventstream using DEFAULT_INDEX_ORDER. Returns ------- None """ order_temp_col_name = "order" indexed = self.__events indexed[order_temp_col_name] = indexed[self.schema.event_type].apply(lambda e: self.__get_event_priority(e)) indexed = indexed.sort_values([self.schema.event_timestamp, order_temp_col_name]) # type: ignore indexed = indexed.drop([order_temp_col_name], axis=1) # indexed[id_col_col_name] = range(1, len(indexed) + 1) indexed.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) indexed[self.schema.event_index] = indexed.index self.__events = indexed
def _get_raw_cols(self) -> list[str]: cols: list[str] | pd.Index = self.__events.columns raw_cols: list[str] = [] for col in cols: if col.startswith(RAW_COL_PREFIX): # type: ignore raw_cols.append(col) # type: ignore return raw_cols def _get_relation_cols(self) -> list[str]: cols = self.__events.columns relation_cols: list[str] = [] for col in cols: if col.startswith("ref_"): # type: ignore relation_cols.append(col) # type: ignore return relation_cols
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "add_custom_col"}, scope="eventstream", allowed_params=["name", "data"], ) def add_custom_col(self, name: str, data: pd.Series[Any] | None) -> None: """ Add custom column to an existing ``eventstream``. Parameters ---------- name : str New column name. data : pd.Series - If ``pd.Series`` - new column with given values will be added. - If ``None`` - new column will be filled with ``np.nan``. Returns ------- Eventstream """ self.__raw_data_schema.custom_cols.extend([{"custom_col": name, "raw_data_col": name}]) self.schema.custom_cols.extend([name]) self.__events[name] = data
def _soft_delete(self, events: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """ Delete events either by event_id or by the last relation. """ deleted_events = events.copy() deleted_events[DELETE_COL_NAME] = True merged = pd.merge( left=self.__events, right=deleted_events, left_on=self.schema.event_id, right_on=self.schema.event_id, indicator=True, how="left", ) if relation_cols := self._get_relation_cols(): last_relation_col = relation_cols[-1] self.__events[DELETE_COL_NAME] = self.__events[DELETE_COL_NAME] | merged[f"{DELETE_COL_NAME}_y"] == True merged = pd.merge( left=self.__events, right=deleted_events, left_on=last_relation_col, right_on=self.schema.event_id, indicator=True, how="left", ) self.__events[DELETE_COL_NAME] = self.__events[DELETE_COL_NAME] | merged[f"{DELETE_COL_NAME}_y"] == True def __get_not_deleted_events(self) -> pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]: events = self.__events return events[events[DELETE_COL_NAME] == False] def __required_cleanup(self, events: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]) -> pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]: income_size = len(events) events.dropna( # type: ignore subset=[self.schema.event_name, self.schema.event_timestamp, self.schema.user_id], inplace=True ) size_after_cleanup = len(events) if (removed_rows := income_size - size_after_cleanup) > 0: warnings.warn( "Removed %s rows because they have empty %s or %s or %s" % (removed_rows, self.schema.event_name, self.schema.event_timestamp, self.schema.user_id) ) return events def __prepare_events(self, raw_data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]) -> pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]: events = raw_data.copy() # add "raw_" prefix for raw cols events.rename(lambda col: f"raw_{col}", axis="columns", inplace=True) events[DELETE_COL_NAME] = False events[self.schema.event_id] = [uuid.uuid4() for x in range(len(events))] events[self.schema.event_name] = self.__get_col_from_raw_data( raw_data=raw_data, colname=self.__raw_data_schema.event_name, ) events[self.schema.event_timestamp] = pd.to_datetime( self.__get_col_from_raw_data( raw_data=raw_data, colname=self.__raw_data_schema.event_timestamp, ), ) events[self.schema.user_id] = self.__get_col_from_raw_data( raw_data=raw_data, colname=self.__raw_data_schema.user_id, ) if self.__raw_data_schema.event_type is not None: events[self.schema.event_type] = self.__get_col_from_raw_data( raw_data=raw_data, colname=self.__raw_data_schema.event_type, ) else: events[self.schema.event_type] = "raw" for custom_col_schema in self.__raw_data_schema.custom_cols: raw_data_col = custom_col_schema["raw_data_col"] custom_col = custom_col_schema["custom_col"] if custom_col not in self.schema.custom_cols: self.schema.custom_cols.append(custom_col) events[custom_col] = self.__get_col_from_raw_data( raw_data=raw_data, colname=raw_data_col, ) for custom_col in self.schema.custom_cols: if custom_col in events.columns: continue events[custom_col] = np.nan # add relations for i in range(len(self.relations)): rel_col_name = f"ref_{i}" relation = self.relations[i] col = raw_data[relation["raw_col"]] if relation["raw_col"] is not None else np.nan events[rel_col_name] = col return events def __get_col_from_raw_data( self, raw_data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any], colname: str, create: bool = False ) -> pd.Series | float: if colname in raw_data.columns: return raw_data[colname] else: if create: return np.nan else: raise ValueError(f'invalid raw data. Column "{colname}" does not exists!') def __get_event_priority(self, event_type: Optional[str]) -> int: if event_type in self.index_order: return self.index_order.index(event_type) return len(self.index_order) def __sample_user_paths( self, raw_data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any], raw_data_schema: RawDataSchemaType, user_sample_size: Optional[int | float] = None, user_sample_seed: Optional[int] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any]: if type(user_sample_size) is not float and type(user_sample_size) is not int: raise TypeError('"user_sample_size" has to be a number(float for user share or int for user amount)') if user_sample_size < 0: raise ValueError("User sample size/share cannot be negative!") if type(user_sample_size) is float: if user_sample_size > 1: raise ValueError("User sample share cannot exceed 1!") user_col_name = raw_data_schema.user_id unique_users = raw_data[user_col_name].unique() if type(user_sample_size) is int: sample_size = user_sample_size elif type(user_sample_size) is float: sample_size = int(user_sample_size * len(unique_users)) else: return raw_data if user_sample_seed is not None: np.random.seed(user_sample_seed) sample_users = np.random.choice(unique_users, sample_size, replace=False) raw_data_sampled = raw_data.loc[raw_data[user_col_name].isin(sample_users), :] # type: ignore return raw_data_sampled
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="funnel", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "stages", "stage_names", "funnel_type", "segments", "segment_names", "show_plot", ], ) def funnel( self, stages: list[str], stage_names: list[str] | None = None, funnel_type: Literal["open", "closed", "hybrid"] = "closed", segments: Collection[Collection[int]] | None = None, segment_names: list[str] | None = None, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> Funnel: """ Show a visualization of the user sequential events represented as a funnel. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, a funnel visualization is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.Funnel` Returns ------- Funnel A ``Funnel`` class instance fitted to the given parameters. """ self.__funnel = Funnel(eventstream=self) stages=stages, stage_names=stage_names, funnel_type=funnel_type, segments=segments, segment_names=segment_names, ) if show_plot: figure = self.__funnel.plot() return self.__funnel
@property def clusters(self) -> Clusters: """ Returns ------- Clusters A blank (not fitted) instance of ``Clusters`` class to be used for cluster analysis. See Also -------- .Clusters """ if self.__clusters is None: self.__clusters = Clusters(eventstream=self) return self.__clusters
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="step_matrix", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "max_steps", "weight_col", "precision", "targets", "accumulated", "sorting", "threshold", "centered", "groups", "show_plot", ], ) def step_matrix( self, max_steps: int = 20, weight_col: str | None = None, precision: int = 2, targets: list[str] | str | None = None, accumulated: Literal["both", "only"] | None = None, sorting: list | None = None, threshold: float = 0, centered: dict | None = None, groups: Tuple[list, list] | None = None, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> StepMatrix: """ Show a heatmap visualization of the step matrix. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, a step matrix heatmap is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.StepMatrix` Returns ------- StepMatrix A ``StepMatrix`` class instance fitted to the given parameters. """ self.__step_matrix = StepMatrix(eventstream=self) max_steps=max_steps, weight_col=weight_col, precision=precision, targets=targets, accumulated=accumulated, sorting=sorting, threshold=threshold, centered=centered, groups=groups, ) if show_plot: self.__step_matrix.plot() return self.__step_matrix
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="step_sankey", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "max_steps", "threshold", "sorting", "targets", "autosize", "width", "height", "show_plot", ], ) def step_sankey( self, max_steps: int = 10, threshold: int | float = 0.05, sorting: list | None = None, targets: list[str] | str | None = None, autosize: bool = True, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> StepSankey: """ Show a Sankey diagram visualizing the user paths in stepwise manner. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, a sankey diagram is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.StepSankey` Returns ------- StepSankey A ``StepSankey`` class instance fitted to the given parameters. """ self.__sankey = StepSankey(eventstream=self), threshold=threshold, sorting=sorting, targets=targets) if show_plot: figure = self.__sankey.plot(autosize=autosize, width=width, height=height) return self.__sankey
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="cohorts", event_value="heatmap", allowed_params=[ "cohort_start_unit", "cohort_period", "average", "cut_bottom", "cut_right", "cut_diagonal", "width", "height", "show_plot", ], ) def cohorts( self, cohort_start_unit: DATETIME_UNITS, cohort_period: Tuple[int, DATETIME_UNITS], average: bool = True, cut_bottom: int = 0, cut_right: int = 0, cut_diagonal: int = 0, width: float = 5.0, height: float = 5.0, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> Cohorts: """ Show a heatmap visualization of the user appearance grouped by cohorts. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, a cohort matrix heatmap is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.Cohorts` Returns ------- Cohorts A ``Cohorts`` class instance fitted to the given parameters. """ self.__cohorts = Cohorts(eventstream=self) cohort_start_unit=cohort_start_unit, cohort_period=cohort_period, average=average, cut_bottom=cut_bottom, cut_right=cut_right, cut_diagonal=cut_diagonal, ) if show_plot: self.__cohorts.heatmap(width=width, height=height) return self.__cohorts
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="stattests", event_value="display_results", allowed_params=[ "test", "groups", "func", "group_names", "alpha", ], ) def stattests( self, test: STATTEST_NAMES, groups: Tuple[list[str | int], list[str | int]], func: Callable, group_names: Tuple[str, str] = ("group_1", "group_2"), alpha: float = 0.05, ) -> StatTests: """ Determine the statistical difference between the metric values in two user groups. Parameters ---------- See parameters' description :py:class:`.Stattests` Returns ------- StatTests A ``StatTest`` class instance fitted to the given parameters. """ self.__stattests = StatTests(eventstream=self), func=func, test=test, group_names=group_names, alpha=alpha) self.__stattests.display_results() return self.__stattests
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="timedelta_hist", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "raw_events_only", "event_pair", "adjacent_events_only", "weight_col", "time_agg", "timedelta_unit", "log_scale", "lower_cutoff_quantile", "upper_cutoff_quantile", "bins", "width", "height", "show_plot", ], ) def timedelta_hist( self, raw_events_only: bool = False, event_pair: list[str | Literal[EVENTSTREAM_GLOBAL_EVENTS]] | None = None, adjacent_events_only: bool = True, weight_col: str | None = None, time_agg: AGGREGATION_NAMES | None = None, timedelta_unit: DATETIME_UNITS = "s", log_scale: bool | tuple[bool, bool] | None = None, lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, bins: int | Literal[BINS_ESTIMATORS] = 20, width: float = 6.0, height: float = 4.5, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> TimedeltaHist: """ Plot the distribution of the time deltas between two events. Support various distribution types, such as distribution of time for adjacent consecutive events, or for a pair of pre-defined events, or median transition time from event to event per user/session. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, histogram is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.TimedeltaHist` Returns ------- TimedeltaHist A ``TimedeltaHist`` class instance fitted with given parameters. """ self.__timedelta_hist = TimedeltaHist( eventstream=self, ) raw_events_only=raw_events_only, event_pair=event_pair, adjacent_events_only=adjacent_events_only, time_agg=time_agg, weight_col=weight_col, timedelta_unit=timedelta_unit, log_scale=log_scale, lower_cutoff_quantile=lower_cutoff_quantile, upper_cutoff_quantile=upper_cutoff_quantile, bins=bins, ) if show_plot: self.__timedelta_hist.plot( width=width, height=height, ) return self.__timedelta_hist
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "timedelta_unit", "log_scale", "lower_cutoff_quantile", "upper_cutoff_quantile", "bins", "width", "height", "show_plot", ], ) def user_lifetime_hist( self, timedelta_unit: DATETIME_UNITS = "s", log_scale: bool | tuple[bool, bool] | None = None, lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, bins: int | Literal[BINS_ESTIMATORS] = 20, width: float = 6.0, height: float = 4.5, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> UserLifetimeHist: """ Plot the distribution of user lifetimes. A ``users lifetime`` is the timedelta between the first and the last events of the user. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, histogram is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.UserLifetimeHist` Returns ------- UserLifetimeHist A ``UserLifetimeHist`` class instance with given parameters. """ self.__user_lifetime_hist = UserLifetimeHist( eventstream=self, ) timedelta_unit=timedelta_unit, log_scale=log_scale, lower_cutoff_quantile=lower_cutoff_quantile, upper_cutoff_quantile=upper_cutoff_quantile, bins=bins, ) if show_plot: self.__user_lifetime_hist.plot(width=width, height=height) return self.__user_lifetime_hist
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="event_timestamp_hist", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "event_list", "raw_events_only", "lower_cutoff_quantile", "upper_cutoff_quantile", "bins", "width", "height", "show_plot", ], ) def event_timestamp_hist( self, event_list: list[str] | None = None, raw_events_only: bool = False, lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, bins: int | Literal[BINS_ESTIMATORS] = 20, width: float = 6.0, height: float = 4.5, show_plot: bool = True, ) -> EventTimestampHist: """ Plot distribution of events over time. Can be useful for detecting time-based anomalies, and visualising general timespan of the eventstream. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool, default True If ``True``, histogram is shown. See other parameters' description :py:class:`.EventTimestampHist` Returns ------- EventTimestampHist A ``EventTimestampHist`` class instance with given parameters. """ self.__event_timestamp_hist = EventTimestampHist( eventstream=self, ) event_list=event_list, raw_events_only=raw_events_only, lower_cutoff_quantile=lower_cutoff_quantile, upper_cutoff_quantile=upper_cutoff_quantile, bins=bins, ) if show_plot: self.__event_timestamp_hist.plot(width=width, height=height) return self.__event_timestamp_hist
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="describe", event_value="_values", allowed_params=[ "session_col", "raw_events_only", ], ) def describe(self, session_col: str = "session_id", raw_events_only: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Display general eventstream information. If ``session_col`` is present in eventstream, also output session statistics. Parameters ---------- session_col : str, default 'session_id' Specify name of the session column. If the column is present in the eventstream, session statistics will be added to the output. raw_events_only : bool, default False If ``True`` - statistics will only be shown for raw events. If ``False`` - statistics will be shown for all events presented in your data. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe containing descriptive statistics for the eventstream. See Also -------- .EventTimestampHist : Plot the distribution of events over time. .TimedeltaHist : Plot the distribution of the time deltas between two events. .UserLifetimeHist : Plot the distribution of user lifetimes. .Eventstream.describe_events : Show general eventstream events statistics. Notes ----- - All ``float`` values are rounded to 2. - All ``datetime`` values are rounded to seconds. See :ref:`Eventstream user guide<eventstream_describe>` for the details. """ describer = _Describe(eventstream=self, session_col=session_col, raw_events_only=raw_events_only) return describer._values()
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="describe_events", event_value="_values", allowed_params=[ "session_col", "raw_events_only", "event_list", ], ) def describe_events( self, session_col: str = "session_id", raw_events_only: bool = False, event_list: list[str] | None = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Display general information on eventstream events. If ``session_col`` is present in eventstream, also output session statistics. Parameters ---------- session_col : str, default 'session_id' Specify name of the session column. If the column is present in the eventstream, output session statistics. raw_events_only : bool, default False If ``True`` - statistics will only be shown for raw events. If ``False`` - statistics will be shown for all events presented in your data. event_list : list of str, optional Specify events to be displayed. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame **Eventstream statistics**: - The following metrics are calculated for each event present in the eventstream (or the narrowed eventstream if parameters ``event_list`` or ``raw_events_only`` are used). Let all_events, all_users, all_sessions be the numbers of all events, users, and sessions present in the eventstream. Then: - *number_of_occurrences* - the number of occurrences of a particular event in the eventstream; - *unique_users* - the number of unique users who experienced a particular event; - *unique_sessions* - the number of unique sessions with each event; - *number_of_occurrences_shared* - number_of_occurrences / all_events (raw_events_only, if this parameter = ``True``); - *unique_users_shared* - unique_users / all_users; - *unique_sessions_shared* - unique_sessions / all_sessions; - **time_to_FO_user_wise** category - timedelta between ``path_start`` and the first occurrence (FO) of a specified event in each user path. - **steps_to_FO_user_wise** category - the number of steps (events) from ``path_start`` to the first occurrence (FO) of a specified event in each user path. If ``raw_events_only=True`` only raw events will be counted. - **time_to_FO_session_wise** category - timedelta between ``session_start`` and the first occurrence (FO) of a specified event in each session. - **steps_to_FO_session_wise** category - the number of steps (events) from ``session_start`` to the first occurrence (FO) of a specified event in each session. If ``raw_events_only=True`` only raw events will be counted. Agg functions for each ``first_occurrence*`` category are: mean, std, median, min, max. See Also -------- .EventTimestampHist : Plot the distribution of events over time. .TimedeltaHist : Plot the distribution of the time deltas between two events. .UserLifetimeHist : Plot the distribution of user lifetimes. .Eventstream.describe : Show general eventstream statistics. Notes ----- - All ``float`` values are rounded to 2. - All ``datetime`` values are rounded to seconds. See :ref:`Eventstream user guide<eventstream_describe_events>` for the details. """ describer = _DescribeEvents( eventstream=self, session_col=session_col, event_list=event_list, raw_events_only=raw_events_only ) return describer._values()
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="transition_graph", event_value="plot", allowed_params=[ "edges_norm_type", "targets", "nodes_threshold", "edges_threshold", "nodes_weight_col", "edges_weight_col", "custom_weight_cols", "width", "height", "show_weights", "show_percents", "show_nodes_names", "show_all_edges_for_targets", "show_nodes_without_links", ], ) def transition_graph( self, edges_norm_type: NormType = None, nodes_norm_type: NormType = None, targets: MutableMapping[str, str | None] | None = None, nodes_threshold: Threshold | None = None, edges_threshold: Threshold | None = None, nodes_weight_col: str | None = None, edges_weight_col: str | None = None, custom_weight_cols: list[str] | None = None, width: int = 960, height: int = 600, show_weights: bool = True, show_percents: bool = False, show_nodes_names: bool = True, show_all_edges_for_targets: bool = True, show_nodes_without_links: bool = False, ) -> TransitionGraph: """ Parameters ---------- See parameters' description :py:meth:`.TransitionGraph.plot` Returns ------- TransitionGraph Rendered IFrame graph. """ self.__transition_graph = TransitionGraph(eventstream=self) self.__transition_graph.plot( targets=targets, edges_norm_type=edges_norm_type, nodes_norm_type=nodes_norm_type, edges_weight_col=edges_weight_col, nodes_threshold=nodes_threshold, edges_threshold=edges_threshold, nodes_weight_col=nodes_weight_col, custom_weight_cols=custom_weight_cols, width=width, height=height, show_weights=show_weights, show_percents=show_percents, show_nodes_names=show_nodes_names, show_all_edges_for_targets=show_all_edges_for_targets, show_nodes_without_links=show_nodes_without_links, ) return self.__transition_graph
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, scope="preprocessing_graph", event_value="display", allowed_params=[ "width", "height", ], ) def preprocessing_graph(self, width: int = 960, height: int = 600) -> PreprocessingGraph: """ Display the preprocessing GUI tool. Parameters ---------- width : int, default 960 Width of plot in pixels. height : int, default 600 Height of plot in pixels. Returns ------- PreprocessingGraph Rendered preprocessing graph. """ if self._preprocessing_graph is None: self._preprocessing_graph = PreprocessingGraph(source_stream=self) self._preprocessing_graph.display(width=width, height=height) return self._preprocessing_graph
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "helper"}, allowed_params=["weight_col", "norm_type"], scope="transition_matrix", event_value="_values", ) def transition_matrix(self, weight_col: str | None = None, norm_type: NormType = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get transition weights as a matrix for each unique pair of events. The calculation logic is the same that is used for edge weights calculation of transition graph. Parameters ---------- weight_col : str, optional Weighting column for the transition weights calculation. See :ref:`transition graph user guide <transition_graph_weights>` for the details. norm_type : {"full", "node", None}, default None Normalization type. See :ref:`transition graph user guide <transition_graph_weights>` for the details. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Transition matrix. ``(i, j)``-th matrix value relates to the weight of i → j transition. Notes ----- See :ref:`transition graph user guide <transition_graph_transition_matrix>` for the details. """ matrix = _TransitionMatrix(eventstream=self) return matrix._values(weight_col=weight_col, norm_type=norm_type)