Source code for retentioneering.tooling.clusters.clusters

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, List, Literal, Tuple, cast

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import seaborn as sns
import umap as umap
from matplotlib import axes, rcParams
from numpy import ndarray
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import track
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamType
from retentioneering.tooling.clusters.segments import Segments

FeatureType = Literal["tfidf", "count", "frequency", "binary", "time", "time_fraction", "markov"]
SklearnFeatureType = Literal["count", "frequency", "tfidf", "binary"]
NgramRange = Tuple[int, int]
Method = Literal["kmeans", "gmm"]
PlotType = Literal["cluster_bar"]
PlotProjectionMethod = Literal["tsne", "umap"]

[docs]class Clusters: """ A class that holds methods for the cluster analysis. Parameters ---------- eventstream : EventstreamType See Also -------- .Eventstream.clusters : Call Clusters tool as an eventstream method. Notes ----- See :doc:`Clusters user guide</user_guides/clusters>` for the details. """ @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "init"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[], ) def __init__(self, eventstream: EventstreamType): self.__eventstream: EventstreamType = eventstream self.user_col = eventstream.schema.user_id self.event_col = eventstream.schema.event_name self.time_col = eventstream.schema.event_timestamp self.event_index_col = eventstream.schema.event_index self.__segments: Segments | None = None self.__cluster_result: pd.Series | None = None self.__projection: pd.DataFrame | None = None self.__is_fitted: bool = False self._method: Method | None = None self._n_clusters: int | None = None self._user_clusters: pd.Series | None = None self._X: pd.DataFrame | None = None # public API
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "fit"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "method", "n_clusters", "X", "random_state", ], ) def fit(self, method: Method, n_clusters: int, X: pd.DataFrame, random_state: int | None = None) -> Clusters: """ Prepare features and compute clusters for the input eventstream data. Parameters ---------- method : {"kmeans", "gmm"} - ``kmeans`` stands for the classic K-means algorithm. See details in :sklearn_kmeans:`sklearn documentation<>`. - ``gmm`` stands for Gaussian mixture model. See details in :sklearn_gmm:`sklearn documentation<>`. n_clusters : int The expected number of clusters to be passed to a clustering algorithm. X : pd.DataFrame ``pd.DataFrame`` representing a custom vectorization of the user paths. The index corresponds to user_ids, the columns are vectorized values of the path. See :py:func:`extract_features`. random_state : int, optional Use an int to make the randomness deterministic. Calling ``fit`` multiple times with the same ``random_state`` leads to the same clustering results. Returns ------- Clusters A fitted ``Clusters`` instance. """ self._method, self._n_clusters, self._X = self.__validate_input(method, n_clusters, X) self.__cluster_result = self._prepare_clusters(random_state=random_state) self._user_clusters = self.__cluster_result.copy() self.__segments = Segments( eventstream=self.__eventstream, segments_df=self.__cluster_result.to_frame("segment").reset_index(), ) self.__is_fitted = True return self
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "diff"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "cluster_id1", "cluster_id2", "top_n_events", "weight_col", "targets", ], ) def diff( self, cluster_id1: int | str, cluster_id2: int | str | None = None, top_n_events: int = 8, weight_col: str | None = None, targets: list[str] | None = None, ) -> go.Figure: """ Plots a bar plot illustrating the distribution of ``top_n_events`` in cluster ``cluster_id1`` compared with the entire dataset or the cluster ``cluster_id2`` if specified. Should be used after :py:func:`fit` or :py:func:`set_clusters`. Parameters ---------- cluster_id1 : int or str ID of the cluster to compare. cluster_id2 : int or str, optional ID of the second cluster to compare with the first cluster. If ``None``, then compares with the entire dataset. top_n_events : int, default 8 Number of top events. weight_col : str, optional If ``None``, distribution will be compared based on event occurrences in datasets. If ``weight_col`` is specified, percentages of users (column name specified by parameter ``weight_col``) who have particular events will be plotted. targets : str or list of str, optional List of event names always to include for comparison, regardless of the parameter top_n_events value. Target events will appear in the same order as specified. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Plots the distribution barchart. """ if not self.__is_fitted: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") cluster1 = self.filter_cluster(cluster_id1).to_dataframe() if targets is None: targets = [] if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] if weight_col is not None: cluster1 = cluster1.drop_duplicates(subset=[self.event_col, weight_col]) top_cluster = cluster1[self.event_col].value_counts() / cluster1[weight_col].nunique() else: top_cluster = cluster1[self.event_col].value_counts(normalize=True) # add zero events for missing targets for event in set(targets) - set(top_cluster.index): # type: ignore top_cluster.loc[event] = 0 # create events order: top_n_events (non-target) + targets: events_to_keep = top_cluster[lambda x: ~x.index.isin(targets)].iloc[:top_n_events].index.tolist() # type: ignore target_separator_position = len(events_to_keep) events_to_keep += list(targets) top_cluster = top_cluster.loc[events_to_keep].reset_index() # type: ignore if cluster_id2 is None: cluster2 = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() else: cluster2 = self.filter_cluster(cluster_id2).to_dataframe() if weight_col is not None: cluster2 = cluster2.drop_duplicates(subset=[self.event_col, weight_col]) # get events distribution from cluster 2: top_all = cluster2[self.event_col].value_counts() / cluster2[weight_col].nunique() else: # get events distribution from cluster 2: top_all = cluster2[self.event_col].value_counts(normalize=True) # make sure top_all has all events from cluster 1 for event in set(top_cluster["index"]) - set(top_all.index): top_all.loc[event] = 0 # keep only top_n_events from cluster1 top_all = top_all.loc[top_cluster["index"]].reset_index() # type: ignore top_all.columns = [self.event_col, "freq"] # type: ignore top_cluster.columns = [self.event_col, "freq"] # type: ignore top_all["hue"] = "all" if cluster_id2 is None else f"cluster {cluster_id2}" top_cluster["hue"] = f"cluster {cluster_id1}" total_size = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe()[self.user_col].nunique() figure = self._plot_diff( top_all.append(top_cluster, ignore_index=True, sort=False), cl1=cluster_id1, sizes=[ cluster1[self.user_col].nunique() / total_size, cluster2[self.user_col].nunique() / total_size, ], weight_col=weight_col, target_pos=target_separator_position, targets=targets, cl2=cluster_id2, ) return figure
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "plot"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "targets", ], ) def plot(self, targets: list[str] | list[list[str]] | None = None) -> go.Figure: """ Plot a bar plot illustrating the cluster sizes and the conversion rates of the ``target`` events within the clusters. Should be used after :py:func:`fit` or :py:func:`set_clusters`. Parameters ---------- targets : list of str, optional Represents the list of the target events """ if not self.__is_fitted: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") target_names, targets_bool = self._prepare_targets(targets) # type: ignore return self._cluster_bar( clusters=self.__cluster_result.values, # type: ignore target=cast(List[List[bool]], targets_bool), # @TODO: fix types. Vladimir Makhanov target_names=target_names, )
@property @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "user_clusters"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[], ) def user_clusters(self) -> pd.Series | None: """ Returns ------- pd.Series ``user_id -> cluster_id`` mapping representing as ``pd.Series``. The index corresponds to user_ids, the values relate to the corresponding cluster_ids. """ if not self.__is_fitted: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") return self.__cluster_result @property @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "cluster_mapping"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[], ) def cluster_mapping(self) -> dict: """ Return calculated before ``cluster_id -> list[user_ids]`` mapping. Returns ------- dict The keys are cluster_ids, and the values are the lists of the user_ids related to the corresponding cluster. """ if not self.__is_fitted or self.__cluster_result is None: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") df = self.__cluster_result.to_frame("cluster_id").reset_index() user_col, cluster_col = df.columns cluster_map = df.groupby(cluster_col)[user_col].apply(list) # type: ignore return cluster_map.to_dict() @property @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "params"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[], ) def params(self) -> dict: """ Returns the parameters used for the last fitting. """ return {"method": self._method, "n_clusters": self._n_clusters, "X": self._X}
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "set_clusters"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "user_clusters", ], ) def set_clusters(self, user_clusters: pd.Series) -> Clusters: """ Set custom user-cluster mapping. Parameters ---------- user_clusters : pd.Series Series index corresponds to user_ids. Values are cluster_ids. Returns ------- Clusters A fitted ``Clusters`` instance. """ self._user_clusters = user_clusters self.__cluster_result = user_clusters.copy() self._n_clusters = user_clusters.nunique() self._method = None self.__is_fitted = True return self
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "filter_cluster"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=["cluster_id"], ) def filter_cluster(self, cluster_id: int | str) -> EventstreamType: """ Truncate the eventstream, leaving the trajectories of the users who belong to the selected cluster. Should be used after :py:func:`fit` or :py:func:`set_clusters`. Parameters ---------- cluster_id : int or str Cluster identifier to be selected. If :py:func:`create_clusters` was used for cluster generation, then 0, 1, ... values are possible. Returns ------- EventstreamType Eventstream with the users belonging to the selected cluster only. """ from retentioneering.eventstream.eventstream import Eventstream if not self.__is_fitted: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") eventstream: Eventstream = self.__eventstream # type: ignore cluster_users = self.__cluster_result[lambda s: s == cluster_id].index # type: ignore df = eventstream.to_dataframe()[lambda df_: df_[self.user_col].isin(cluster_users)] # type: ignore es = Eventstream( raw_data=df, raw_data_schema=eventstream.schema.to_raw_data_schema(), schema=eventstream.schema.copy(), ) return es
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "extract_features"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "feature_type", "ngram_range", ], ) def extract_features(self, feature_type: FeatureType, ngram_range: NgramRange | None = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate vectorized user paths. Parameters ---------- feature_type : {"tfidf", "count", "frequency", "binary", "markov", "time", "time_fraction"} Algorithms for converting text sequences to numerical vectors: - ``tfidf`` see details in :sklearn_tfidf:`sklearn documentation<>` - ``count`` see details in :sklearn_countvec:`sklearn documentation<>` - ``frequency`` is similar to count, but normalized to the total number of the events in the user's trajectory. - ``binary`` 1 if a user had the given n-gram at least once and 0 otherwise. - ``markov`` available for bigrams only. For a given bigram ``(A, B)`` the vectorized values are the user's transition probabilities from ``A`` to ``B``. - ``time`` associated with unigrams only. The total number of the seconds spent from the beginning of a user's path until the given event. - ``time_fraction`` the same as ``time`` but divided by the total length of the user's trajectory (in seconds). ngram_range : Tuple(int, int) The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different word n-grams to be extracted. For example, ngram_range=(1, 1) means only single events, (1, 2) means single events and bigrams. Ignored for ``markov``, ``time``, ``time_fraction`` feature types. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with the vectorized values. Index contains user_ids, columns contain n-grams. """ eventstream = self.__eventstream events = eventstream.to_dataframe() vec_data = None if feature_type in ["count", "frequency", "tfidf", "binary"] and ngram_range is not None: feature_type = cast(SklearnFeatureType, feature_type) events, vec_data = self._sklearn_vectorization(events, feature_type, ngram_range, self.user_col) elif feature_type == "markov": events, vec_data = self._markov_vectorization(events, self.user_col) if feature_type in ["time", "time_fraction"]: events.sort_values(by=[self.user_col, self.time_col], inplace=True) events.reset_index(inplace=True) events["time_diff"] = events.groupby(self.user_col)[self.time_col].diff().dt.total_seconds() # type: ignore events["time_length"] = events["time_diff"].shift(-1) if feature_type == "time_fraction": vec_data = ( events.groupby([self.user_col]) .apply(lambda x: x.groupby(self.event_col)["time_length"].sum() / x["time_length"].sum()) .unstack(fill_value=0) ) elif feature_type == "time": vec_data = ( events.groupby([self.user_col]) .apply(lambda x: x.groupby(self.event_col)["time_length"].sum()) .unstack(fill_value=0) ) if vec_data is not None: vec_data.columns = [f"{col}_{feature_type}" for col in vec_data.columns] # type: ignore return cast(pd.DataFrame, vec_data)
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "projection"}, scope="clusters", allowed_params=[ "method", "targets", "color_type", ], ) def projection( self, method: PlotProjectionMethod = "tsne", targets: list[str] | None = None, color_type: Literal["targets", "clusters"] = "clusters", **kwargs: Any, ) -> go.Figure: """ Show the clusters' projection on a plane, applying dimension reduction techniques. Should be used after :py:func:`fit` or :py:func:`set_clusters`. Parameters ---------- method : {'umap', 'tsne'}, default 'tsne' Type of manifold transformation. color_type : {'targets', 'clusters'}, default 'clusters' Type of color-coding used for projection visualization: - ``clusters`` colors trajectories with different colors depending on cluster number. - ``targets`` colors trajectories based on reach to any event provided in 'targets' parameter. Must provide ``targets`` parameter in this case. targets : str or list of str, optional Vector of event_names as str. If user reaches any of the specified events, the dot corresponding to this user will be highlighted as converted on the resulting projection plot. **kwargs : optional Parameters for :sklearn_tsne:`sklearn.manifold.TSNE()<>` and :umap:`umap.UMAP()<>`. Returns ------- sns.scatterplot Plot in the low-dimensional space for user trajectories indexed by user IDs. """ if self._X is None or self.__is_fitted is False: raise RuntimeError("Clusters and features must be defined. Consider to run 'fit()' method.") if targets is None: targets = [] if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] if color_type == "clusters": if self.__cluster_result is not None: targets_mapping = self.__cluster_result.values legend_title = "cluster number:" else: raise RuntimeError("Clusters are not defined. Consider to run 'fit()' or `set_clusters()` methods.") elif color_type == "targets": if (not targets) and (len(targets) < 1): raise ValueError( "When color_type='targets' is set, 'targets' must be defined as list of target event names" ) else: targets = [list(pd.core.common.flatten(targets))] # type: ignore legend_title = "conversion to (" + " | ".join(targets[0]).strip(" | ") + "):" # type: ignore # @TODO: fix 'groupby + apply' inefficient combination. Vladimir Kukushkin targets_mapping = ( self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() .groupby(self.user_col)[self.event_col] .apply(lambda x: bool(set(*targets) & set(x))) .to_frame() .sort_index()[self.event_col] .values ) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected plot type: %s. Allowed values: clusters, targets" % color_type) if method == "tsne": projection: pd.DataFrame = self._learn_tsne(self._X, **kwargs) elif method == "umap": projection = self._learn_umap(self._X, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method: %s. Allowed methods: tsne, umap" % method) self.__projection = projection figure, _ = self._plot_projection( projection=projection.values, targets=targets_mapping, # type: ignore legend_title=legend_title, ) return figure
# inner functions def __validate_input( self, method: Method, n_clusters: int, X: pd.DataFrame, ) -> tuple[Method | None, int | None, pd.DataFrame]: _method = method or self._method _n_clusters = n_clusters or self._n_clusters if not isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame): # type: ignore raise ValueError("X is not a DataFrame!") if np.all(np.all(X.dtypes == "float") and X.isna().sum().sum() != 0): raise ValueError("X is wrong formatted! NaN should be replaced with 0 and all dtypes must be float!") return _method, _n_clusters, X def _prepare_clusters(self, random_state: int | None) -> pd.Series: user_clusters = pd.Series(dtype=np.int64) features = self._X.copy() # type: ignore if self._n_clusters is not None: if self._method == "kmeans": cluster_result = self._kmeans(features=features, n_clusters=self._n_clusters, random_state=random_state) elif self._method == "gmm": cluster_result = self._gmm(features=features, n_clusters=self._n_clusters, random_state=random_state) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method: %s" % self._method) user_clusters = pd.Series(cluster_result, index=features.index) return user_clusters @staticmethod def _plot_projection(projection: ndarray, targets: ndarray, legend_title: str) -> tuple: rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 8, 6 scatter = sns.scatterplot( x=projection[:, 0], y=projection[:, 1], hue=targets, legend="full", palette=sns.color_palette("bright")[0 : np.unique(targets).shape[0]], # noqa ) # move legend outside the box scatter.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0).set_title(legend_title) plt.setp(scatter.get_legend().get_title(), fontsize="12") return ( scatter, projection, ) @staticmethod def _learn_tsne(data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates TSNE transformation for given matrix features. Parameters -------- data : np.array Array of features. kwargs : optional Parameters for ``sklearn.manifold.TSNE()`` Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Calculated TSNE transform """ tsne_params = [ "angle", "early_exaggeration", "init", "learning_rate", "method", "metric", "min_grad_norm", "n_components", "n_iter", "n_iter_without_progress", "n_jobs", "perplexity", "verbose", ] kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in tsne_params} res = TSNE(random_state=0, **kwargs).fit_transform(data.values) return pd.DataFrame(res, index=data.index.values) @staticmethod def _learn_umap(data: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculates UMAP transformation for given matrix features. Parameters -------- data : np.array Array of features. kwargs : optional Parameters for ``umap.UMAP()`` Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Calculated UMAP transform. """ reducer = umap.UMAP() _umap_filter = reducer.get_params() kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _umap_filter} embedding = umap.UMAP(random_state=0, **kwargs).fit_transform(data.values) return pd.DataFrame(embedding, index=data.index.values) @staticmethod def __get_vectorizer( feature_type: Literal["count", "frequency", "tfidf", "binary", "markov"], ngram_range: NgramRange, corpus: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series[Any], ) -> TfidfVectorizer | CountVectorizer: if feature_type == "tfidf": return TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=ngram_range, token_pattern="[^~]+").fit(corpus) # type: ignore elif feature_type in ["count", "frequency"]: return CountVectorizer(ngram_range=ngram_range, token_pattern="[^~]+").fit(corpus) # type: ignore else: return CountVectorizer(ngram_range=ngram_range, token_pattern="[^~]+", binary=True).fit( # type: ignore corpus ) def _sklearn_vectorization( self, events: pd.DataFrame, feature_type: SklearnFeatureType, ngram_range: NgramRange, weight_col: str, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: corpus = events.groupby(weight_col)[self.event_col].apply(lambda x: "~~".join([el.lower() for el in x])) vectorizer = self.__get_vectorizer(feature_type=feature_type, ngram_range=ngram_range, corpus=corpus) vocabulary_items = sorted(vectorizer.vocabulary_.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) cols: list[str] = [dict_key[0] for dict_key in vocabulary_items] sorted_index_col = sorted(events[weight_col].unique()) vec_data = pd.DataFrame(index=sorted_index_col, columns=cols, data=vectorizer.transform(corpus).todense()) vec_data.index.rename(weight_col, inplace=True) if feature_type == "frequency": # @FIXME: legacy todo without explanation, idk why. Vladimir Makhanov sum = cast(Any, vec_data.sum(axis=1)) vec_data = vec_data.div(sum, axis=0).fillna(0) return events, vec_data def _markov_vectorization(self, events: pd.DataFrame, weight_col: str) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: next_event_col = "next_" + self.event_col next_time_col = "next_" + self.time_col events = events.sort_values([weight_col, self.event_index_col]) events[[next_event_col, next_time_col]] = events.groupby(weight_col)[[self.event_col, self.time_col]].shift(-1) vec_data = ( events.groupby([weight_col, self.event_col, next_event_col])[self.event_index_col] .count() .reset_index() .rename(columns={self.event_index_col: "count"}) .assign(bigram=lambda df_: df_[self.event_col] + "~" + df_[next_event_col]) .assign(left_event_count=lambda df_: df_.groupby([weight_col, self.event_col])["count"].transform("sum")) .assign(bigram_weight=lambda df_: df_["count"] / df_["left_event_count"]) .pivot(index=weight_col, columns="bigram", values="bigram_weight") .fillna(0) ) vec_data.index.rename(weight_col, inplace=True) del events[next_event_col] del events[next_time_col] return events, vec_data # TODO: add save def _cluster_bar(self, clusters: ndarray, target: list[list[bool]], target_names: list[str]) -> go.Figure: cl = pd.DataFrame([clusters, *target], index=["clusters", *target_names]).T cl["cluster size"] = 1 for t_n in target_names: cl[t_n] = cl[t_n].astype(int) bars = ( cl.groupby("clusters").agg({"cluster size": "sum", **{t_n: "mean" for t_n in target_names}}).reset_index() ) bars["cluster size"] /= bars["cluster size"].sum() bars = bars.melt("clusters", var_name="type", value_name="value") bars = bars[bars["type"] != " "].copy() fig_x_size = round((1 + bars["clusters"].nunique() ** 0.7 * bars["type"].nunique() ** 0.7)) rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_x_size, 6 bar = sns.barplot(x="clusters", y="value", hue="type", data=bars) self._make_legend_and_ticks(bar) # adjust the limits ymin, ymax = bar.get_ylim() if ymax > 1: bar.set_ylim(ymin, 1.05) return bar @staticmethod def _kmeans(features: pd.DataFrame, random_state: int | None, n_clusters: int = 8) -> np.ndarray: km = KMeans(random_state=random_state, n_clusters=n_clusters) cl = km.fit_predict(features.values) return cl @staticmethod def _gmm(features: pd.DataFrame, random_state: int | None, n_clusters: int = 8) -> np.ndarray: km = GaussianMixture(random_state=random_state, n_components=n_clusters) cl = km.fit_predict(features.values) return cl def _prepare_targets(self, targets: list[str] | list[list[str]] | None) -> tuple[list[str], list[ndarray]]: events = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() if self.__cluster_result is None: raise RuntimeError("Can't find the clustering results. Consider to run 'fit' method first.") grouped_events = events.groupby(self.user_col)[self.event_col] if targets is not None: targets_bool = [] target_names = [] formated_targets: list[list[str]] = [] # format targets to list of lists: for n, i in enumerate(targets): if type(i) != list: # type: ignore formated_targets.append([i]) # type: ignore else: formated_targets.append(i) # type: ignore for t in formated_targets: # get name target_names.append("CR: " + " ".join(t)) # get bool vector targets_bool.append( grouped_events.apply(lambda x: bool(set(t) & set(x))).to_frame().sort_index()[self.event_col].values ) else: targets_bool = [np.array([False] * len(self.__cluster_result))] target_names = [" "] return target_names, targets_bool def _plot_diff( self, bars: pd.DataFrame, cl1: int | str, sizes: list[float], weight_col: str | None, target_pos: int, targets: list[str], cl2: int | str | None, ) -> go.Figure: event_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_name fig_x_size = round(2 + (bars.shape[0] // 2) ** 0.8) rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_x_size, 6 bar = sns.barplot( x=event_col, y="freq", hue="hue", hue_order=[f"cluster {cl1}", "all" if cl2 is None else f"cluster {cl2}"], data=bars, ) self._make_legend_and_ticks(bar) if weight_col is None: bar.set(ylabel="% from total events") else: bar.set(ylabel=f"% of '{weight_col}' with given event") bar.set(xlabel=None) # add vertical lines for central step-matrix if targets: bar.vlines([target_pos - 0.52], *bar.get_ylim(), colors="Black", linewidth=0.7, linestyles="dashed") # adjust the limits ymin, ymax = bar.get_ylim() if ymax > 1: bar.set_ylim(ymin, 1.05) tit = f"top {bars.shape[0] // 2 - len(targets)} events in cluster {cl1} (size: {round(sizes[0] * 100, 2)}%) \n" tit += f"vs. all data (100%)" if cl2 is None else f"vs. cluster {cl2} (size: {round(sizes[1] * 100, 2)}%)" bar.set_title(tit) return bar @staticmethod def _make_legend_and_ticks(bar: axes.Axes) -> None: # move legend outside the box bar.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) y_value = ["{:,.2f}".format(x * 100) + "%" for x in bar.get_yticks()] bar.set_yticks(bar.get_yticks().tolist()) bar.set_yticklabels(y_value) bar.set_xticklabels(bar.get_xticklabels(), rotation=90)