Source code for retentioneering.tooling.stattests.stattests

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Callable, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency, fisher_exact, ks_2samp, mannwhitneyu
from scipy.stats.contingency import crosstab
from statsmodels.stats.power import TTestIndPower
from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import ttest_ind, ztest

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import track
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamType
from retentioneering.tooling.stattests.constants import STATTEST_NAMES

def _effect_size_cohend(sample1: list, sample2: list) -> float:
    Calculate an effect size value using Cohen’s D measure (difference between two means).

    sample1 : list
        First group's statistics.

    sample2 : list
        Second group's statistics.

        Calculated an effect size value.

    sample_size1, sample_size2 = len(sample1), len(sample2)
    standard_deviation1, standard_deviation2 = np.var(sample1, ddof=1), np.var(sample2, ddof=1)
    pooled_standard_deviation = float(
            ((sample_size1 - 1) * standard_deviation1 + (sample_size2 - 1) * standard_deviation2)
            / (sample_size1 + sample_size2 - 2)
    mean_sample1, mean_sample2 = float(np.mean(sample1)), float(np.mean(sample2))
    return (mean_sample1 - mean_sample2) / pooled_standard_deviation

def _effect_size_cohenh(sample1: list, sample2: list) -> float:
    Calculate an effect size value using Cohen’s D measure (between proportions)

    sample1 : list
        First group's statistics.

    sample2 : list
        Second group's statistics.

        Calculated an effect size value.

    mean_sample1, mean_sample2 = np.mean(sample1), np.mean(sample2)
    return 2 * (math.asin(math.sqrt(mean_sample1)) - math.asin(math.sqrt(mean_sample2)))

[docs]class StatTests: """ A class for determining statistical difference between two groups of users. Parameters ---------- eventstream : EventstreamType See Also -------- .Eventstream.stattests : Call StatTests tool as an eventstream method. Notes ----- See :doc:`StatTests user guide</user_guides/stattests>` for the details. """ __eventstream: EventstreamType test: STATTEST_NAMES groups: Tuple[list[str | int], list[str | int]] func: Callable group_names: Tuple[str, str] alpha: float g1_data: list[str | int] g2_data: list[str | int] is_fitted: bool output_template_numerical = "{0} (mean ± SD): {1:.3f} ± {2:.3f}, n = {3}" output_template_categorical = "{0} (size): n = {1}" p_val, power, label_min, label_max = 0.0, 0.0, "", "" @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "init"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[], ) def __init__(self, eventstream: EventstreamType) -> None: self.__eventstream = eventstream self.user_col = self.__eventstream.schema.user_id self.event_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_name self.time_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_timestamp self.g1_data = list() self.g2_data = list() self.is_fitted = False def _get_group_values(self) -> Tuple[list, list]: data = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() # obtain two populations for each group g1 = data[data[self.user_col].isin(self.groups[0])].copy() g2 = data[data[self.user_col].isin(self.groups[1])].copy() # obtain two distributions: if self.test not in ["chi2_contingency", "fisher_exact"]: g1_data = list(g1.groupby(self.user_col).apply(self.func).dropna().astype(float).values) g2_data = list(g2.groupby(self.user_col).apply(self.func).dropna().astype(float).values) else: g1_data = list(g1.groupby(self.user_col).apply(self.func).dropna().values) g2_data = list(g2.groupby(self.user_col).apply(self.func).dropna().values) return g1_data, g2_data def _get_freq_table(self, a: list, b: list) -> list: labels = ["A"] * len(a) + ["B"] * len(b) values = np.concatenate([a, b]) if self.test == "fisher_exact" and np.unique(values).shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError("For Fisher exact test, there should be exactly 2 categories of observations in the data") return crosstab(labels, values)[1] def _get_test_results(self, data_max: list, data_min: list) -> Tuple[float, float]: if self.test in ["ztest", "ttest", "mannwhitneyu", "ks_2samp"]: # calculate effect size if max(data_max) <= 1 and min(data_max) >= 0 and max(data_min) <= 1 and min(data_min) >= 0: # if analyze proportions use Cohen's h: effect_size = _effect_size_cohenh(data_max, data_min) else: # for other variables use Cohen's d: effect_size = _effect_size_cohend(data_max, data_min) # calculate power power = TTestIndPower().power( effect_size=effect_size, nobs1=len(data_max), ratio=len(data_min) / len(data_max), alpha=self.alpha, alternative="larger", ) if self.test == "ks_2samp": p_val = ks_2samp(data_max, data_min, alternative="less")[1] elif self.test == "mannwhitneyu": p_val = mannwhitneyu(data_max, data_min, alternative="greater")[1] elif self.test == "ttest": p_val = ttest_ind(data_max, data_min, alternative="larger")[1] elif self.test == "ztest": p_val = ztest(data_max, data_min, alternative="larger")[1] elif self.test in ["chi2_contingency", "fisher_exact"]: power = None if self.test == "chi2_contingency": freq_table = self._get_freq_table(data_max, data_min) p_val = chi2_contingency(freq_table)[1] elif self.test == "fisher_exact": freq_table = self._get_freq_table(data_max, data_min) p_val = fisher_exact(freq_table, alternative="greater")[1] else: raise ValueError(f"The argument test is not supported. Supported tests are: {STATTEST_NAMES}") return p_val, power # type: ignore def _get_sorted_test_results(self) -> Tuple[float, float, str, str]: p_val_norm, power_norm = self._get_test_results(self.g1_data, self.g2_data) p_val_rev, power_rev = self._get_test_results(self.g2_data, self.g1_data) if p_val_norm < p_val_rev: p_val = p_val_norm power = power_norm label_max = self.group_names[0] label_min = self.group_names[1] else: p_val = p_val_rev power = power_rev label_max = self.group_names[1] label_min = self.group_names[0] return p_val, power, label_max, label_min
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "fit"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[ "test", "groups", "func", "group_names", "alpha", ], ) def fit( self, test: STATTEST_NAMES, groups: Tuple[list[str | int], list[str | int]], func: Callable, group_names: Tuple[str, str] = ("group_1", "group_2"), alpha: float = 0.05, ) -> None: """ Calculates the stattests internal values with the defined parameters. Applying ``fit`` method is necessary for the following usage of any visualization or descriptive ``StatTests`` methods. Parameters ---------- test : {'mannwhitneyu', 'ttest', 'ztest', 'ks_2samp', 'chi2_contingency', 'fisher_exact'} Test the null hypothesis that 2 independent samples are drawn from the same distribution. Supported tests are: - ``mannwhitneyu`` see :mannwhitneyu:`scipy documentation<>`. - ``ttest`` see :statsmodel_ttest:`statsmodels documentation<>`. - ``ztest`` see :statsmodel_ztest:`statsmodels documentation<>`. - ``ks_2samp`` see :scipy_ks:`scipy documentation<>`. - ``chi2_contingency`` see :scipy_chi2:`scipy documentation<>`. - ``fisher_exact`` see :scipy_fisher:`scipy documentation<>`. groups : tuple of list Must contain a tuple of two elements (g_1, g_2): g_1 and g_2 are collections of user_id`s. func : Callable Selected metrics. Must contain a function that takes a dataset as an argument for a single user trajectory and returns a single numerical value. group_names : tuple, default ('group_1', 'group_2') Names for selected groups g_1 and g_2. alpha : float, default 0.05 Selected level of significance. """ self.groups = groups self.func = func self.test = test self.group_names = group_names self.alpha = alpha self.g1_data, self.g2_data = self._get_group_values() self.p_val, self.power, self.label_min, self.label_max = self._get_sorted_test_results() self.is_fitted = True
[docs] @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "plot"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[], ) def plot(self) -> Tuple[go.Figure, str]: """ Plots a barplot comparing the metric values between two groups. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. Returns ------- go.Figure """ data1 = pd.DataFrame(data={"data": self.g1_data, "groups": self.group_names[0]}) data2 = pd.DataFrame(data={"data": self.g2_data, "groups": self.group_names[1]}) combined_stats = pd.concat([data1, data2]).reset_index() compare_plot = sns.displot(data=combined_stats, x="data", hue="groups", multiple="dodge") compare_plot.set(xlabel=None) return compare_plot
@property @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "values"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[], ) def values(self) -> dict: """ Returns the comprehensive results of the comparison between the two groups. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. Returns ------- dict """ if not self.is_fitted: raise ValueError("The StatTests instance needs to be fitted before returning values") if self.test in ["ztest", "ttest", "mannwhitneyu", "ks_2samp"]: res_dict = { "group_one_name": self.group_names[0], "group_one_size": len(self.g1_data), "group_one_mean": np.array(self.g1_data).mean(), "group_one_SD": np.array(self.g1_data).std(), "group_two_name": self.group_names[1], "group_two_size": len(self.g2_data), "group_two_mean": np.array(self.g2_data).mean(), "group_two_SD": np.array(self.g2_data).std(), "greatest_group_name": self.label_max, "least_group_name": self.label_min, "is_group_one_greatest": self.label_max == self.group_names[0], "p_val": self.p_val, "power_estimated": self.power, } elif self.test in ["chi2_contingency", "fisher_exact"]: res_dict = { "group_one_name": self.group_names[0], "group_one_size": len(self.g1_data), "group_two_name": self.group_names[1], "group_two_size": len(self.g2_data), "p_val": self.p_val, } else: raise ValueError("Wrong test passed") return res_dict @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "display_results"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[], ) def display_results(self) -> None: if not self.is_fitted: raise ValueError("The StatTests instance needs to be fitted before displaying results") values = self.values if self.test in ["ztest", "ttest", "mannwhitneyu", "ks_2samp"]: print( self.output_template_numerical.format( values["group_one_name"], values["group_one_mean"], values["group_one_SD"], values["group_one_size"] ) ) print( self.output_template_numerical.format( values["group_two_name"], values["group_two_mean"], values["group_two_SD"], values["group_two_size"] ) ) print( "'{0}' is greater than '{1}' with p-value: {2:.5f}".format( values["greatest_group_name"], values["least_group_name"], values["p_val"] ) ) print("power of the test: {0:.2f}%".format(100 * values["power_estimated"])) elif self.test in ["chi2_contingency", "fisher_exact"]: print(self.output_template_categorical.format(values["group_one_name"], values["group_one_size"])) print(self.output_template_categorical.format(values["group_two_name"], values["group_two_size"])) print("Group difference test with p-value: {:.5f}".format(values["p_val"])) else: raise ValueError("Wrong test passed") @property @track( # type: ignore tracking_info={"event_name": "params"}, scope="stattests", allowed_params=[], ) def params(self) -> dict: """ Returns the parameters used for the last fitting. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. """ return { "test": self.test, "groups": self.groups, "func": self.func, "group_names": self.group_names, "alpha": self.alpha, }