Source code for retentioneering.tooling.user_lifetime_hist.user_lifetime_hist

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Literal

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import (
from retentioneering.constants import DATETIME_UNITS
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamType
from retentioneering.tooling.constants import BINS_ESTIMATORS

[docs]class UserLifetimeHist: """ Plot the distribution of user lifetimes. A ``users lifetime`` is the timedelta between the first and the last events of the user. Parameters ---------- eventstream : EventstreamType See Also -------- .EventTimestampHist : Plot the distribution of events over time. .TimedeltaHist : Plot the distribution of the time deltas between two events. .Eventstream.describe : Show general eventstream statistics. .Eventstream.describe_events : Show general eventstream events statistics. .DropPaths : Filter user paths based on the path length, removing the paths that are shorter than the specified number of events or cut_off. Notes ----- See :ref:`Eventstream user guide<eventstream_user_lifetime>` for the details. """ __eventstream: EventstreamType timedelta_unit: DATETIME_UNITS log_scale: bool | tuple[bool, bool] | None lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None bins: int | Literal[BINS_ESTIMATORS] bins_to_show: np.ndarray values_to_plot: np.ndarray @time_performance( scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_name="init", ) def __init__(self, eventstream: EventstreamType) -> None: self.__eventstream = eventstream self.user_col = self.__eventstream.schema.user_id self.event_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_name self.time_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_timestamp self.bins_to_show = np.array([]) self.values_to_plot = np.array([]) def _remove_cutoff_values(self, series: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: idx = [True] * len(series) if self.upper_cutoff_quantile is not None: idx &= series <= series.quantile(self.upper_cutoff_quantile) if self.lower_cutoff_quantile is not None: idx &= series >= series.quantile(self.lower_cutoff_quantile) return series[idx] def __validate_input( self, log_scale: bool | tuple[bool, bool] | None = None, lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, ) -> tuple[tuple[bool, bool], float | None, float | None]: if lower_cutoff_quantile is not None: if not 0 < lower_cutoff_quantile < 1: raise ValueError("lower_cutoff_quantile should be a fraction between 0 and 1.") if upper_cutoff_quantile is not None: if not 0 < upper_cutoff_quantile < 1: raise ValueError("upper_cutoff_quantile should be a fraction between 0 and 1.") if lower_cutoff_quantile is not None and upper_cutoff_quantile is not None: if lower_cutoff_quantile > upper_cutoff_quantile: warnings.warn("lower_cutoff_quantile exceeds upper_cutoff_quantile; no data passed to the histogram") if log_scale: if isinstance(log_scale, bool): log_scale = (log_scale, False) else: log_scale = log_scale else: log_scale = (False, False) return log_scale, upper_cutoff_quantile, lower_cutoff_quantile
[docs] @time_performance( scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_name="fit", ) def fit( self, timedelta_unit: DATETIME_UNITS = "s", log_scale: bool | tuple[bool, bool] | None = None, lower_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, upper_cutoff_quantile: float | None = None, bins: int | Literal[BINS_ESTIMATORS] = 20, ) -> None: """ Calculate values for the histplot. Parameters ---------- timedelta_unit : :numpy_link:`DATETIME_UNITS<>`, default 's' Specify units of time differences the histogram should use. Use "s" for seconds, "m" for minutes, "h" for hours and "D" for days. log_scale : bool or tuple of bool, optional - If ``True`` - apply log scaling to the ``x`` axis. - If tuple of bool - apply log scaling to the (``x``,``y``) axes correspondingly. lower_cutoff_quantile : float, optional Specify time distance quantile as the lower boundary. The values below the boundary are truncated. upper_cutoff_quantile : float, optional Specify time distance quantile as the upper boundary. The values above the boundary are truncated. bins : int or str, default 20 Generic bin parameter that can be the name of a reference rule or the number of bins. Passed to :numpy_bins_link:`numpy.histogram_bin_edges<>`. Returns ------- None """ called_params = { "timedelta_unit": timedelta_unit, "log_scale": log_scale, "lower_cutoff_quantile": lower_cutoff_quantile, "upper_cutoff_quantile": upper_cutoff_quantile, "bins": bins, } not_hash_values = ["timedelta_unit"] self.log_scale, self.upper_cutoff_quantile, self.lower_cutoff_quantile = self.__validate_input( log_scale, lower_cutoff_quantile, upper_cutoff_quantile, ) self.timedelta_unit = timedelta_unit self.bins = bins data = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe(copy=True).groupby(self.user_col)[self.time_col].agg(["min", "max"]) data["time_passed"] = data["max"] - data["min"] values_to_plot = (data["time_passed"] / np.timedelta64(1, self.timedelta_unit)).reset_index( # type: ignore drop=True ) if self._remove_cutoff_values: # type: ignore values_to_plot = self._remove_cutoff_values(values_to_plot).to_numpy() if self.log_scale[0]: log_adjustment = np.timedelta64(100, "ms") / np.timedelta64(1, self.timedelta_unit) values_to_plot = np.where(values_to_plot != 0, values_to_plot, values_to_plot + log_adjustment) # type: ignore bins_to_show = np.power(10, np.histogram_bin_edges(np.log10(values_to_plot), bins=self.bins)) else: bins_to_show = np.histogram_bin_edges(values_to_plot, bins=self.bins) if len(values_to_plot) == 0: bins_to_show = np.array([]) self.bins_to_show = bins_to_show self.values_to_plot = values_to_plot # type: ignore collect_data_performance( scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, not_hash_values=not_hash_values, performance_data={}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, )
@property @time_performance( scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_name="values", ) def values(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns ------- tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) 1. The first array contains the values for histogram. 2. The first array contains the bin edges. """ return self.values_to_plot, self.bins_to_show
[docs] @time_performance( scope="user_lifetime_hist", event_name="plot", ) def plot(self, width: float = 6.0, height: float = 4.5) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Create a sns.histplot based on the calculated values. Parameters ---------- width : float, default 6.0 Width in inches. height : float, default 4.5 Height in inches. Returns ------- :matplotlib_axes:`matplotlib.axes.Axes<>` The matplotlib axes containing the plot. """ figsize = (width, height) plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) hist = sns.histplot(self.values_to_plot, bins=self.bins, log_scale=self.log_scale) hist.set_title("User lifetime histogram") hist.set_xlabel(f"Time units: {self.timedelta_unit}") collect_data_performance( scope="event_timestamp_hist", event_name="metadata", called_params={"width": width, "height": height}, performance_data={}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, ) return hist