Source code for retentioneering.data_processors_lib.group_events

from inspect import signature
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

import pandas as pd

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import collect_data_performance, time_performance
from retentioneering.data_processor import DataProcessor
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamSchemaType
from retentioneering.params_model import ParamsModel
from retentioneering.utils.doc_substitution import docstrings
from retentioneering.utils.hash_object import hash_dataframe
from retentioneering.widget.widgets import ReteFunction

EventstreamFilter = Callable[[pd.DataFrame, Optional[EventstreamSchemaType]], Any]

[docs]class GroupEventsParams(ParamsModel): """ A class with parameters for :py:class:`.GroupEvents` class. """ event_name: str func: EventstreamFilter event_type: Optional[str] = "group_alias" _widgets = { "func": ReteFunction(), }
[docs]@docstrings.get_sections(base="GroupEvents") # type: ignore class GroupEvents(DataProcessor): """ Filter the specified events from the input ``eventstream`` and create new synthetic events, with names based on the old events' names. Parameters ---------- event_name : str Name of the created event. func : Callable[[DataFrame, Optional[EventstreamSchema]], Any] Custom function that returns boolean mask with the same length as input eventstream. - If ``True`` - events will be grouped. - If ``False`` - events will be remained. event_type : str, default "group_alias" Event_type name for the grouped events. If custom event_type is created, it should be added to the ``DEFAULT_INDEX_ORDER``. Returns ------- Eventstream ``Eventstream`` with: - new synthetic events with ``group_alias`` or custom type` +-----------------+----------------+-------------------+ | **event_name** | **event_type** | **timestamp** | +-----------------+----------------+-------------------+ | raw_event_name | raw | raw_event | +-----------------+----------------+-------------------+ | new_event_name | group_alias | raw_event | +-----------------+----------------+-------------------+ Notes ----- See :doc:`Data processors user guide</user_guides/dataprocessors>` for the details. """ params: GroupEventsParams @time_performance( scope="group_events", event_name="init", ) def __init__(self, params: GroupEventsParams) -> None: super().__init__(params=params) @time_performance( scope="group_events", event_name="apply", ) def apply(self, df: pd.DataFrame, schema: EventstreamSchemaType) -> pd.DataFrame: event_name = self.params.event_name func: Callable = self.params.func event_type = self.params.event_type parent_info = { "shape": df.shape, "hash": hash_dataframe(df), } expected_args_count = len(signature(func).parameters) if expected_args_count == 1: mask = func(df) # type: ignore else: mask = func(df, schema) with pd.option_context("mode.chained_assignment", None): if event_type is not None: df.loc[mask, schema.event_type] = event_type df.loc[mask, schema.event_name] = event_name collect_data_performance( scope="group_events", event_name="metadata", called_params=self.to_dict()["values"], performance_data={ "parent": parent_info, "child": { "shape": df.shape, "hash": hash_dataframe(df), }, }, ) return df