Source code for retentioneering.tooling.cohorts.cohorts

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Literal, Tuple

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import (
from retentioneering.constants import DATETIME_UNITS, DATETIME_UNITS_LIST
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamType

# @TODO Подумать над сокращением списка поддерживаемых типов для когорт? dpanina

[docs]class Cohorts: """ A class that provides methods for cohort analysis. The users are split into groups depending on the time of their first appearance in the eventstream; thus each user is associated with some ``cohort_group``. Retention rates of the active users belonging to each ``cohort_group`` are calculated within each ``cohort_period``. Parameters ---------- eventstream : EventstreamType See Also -------- .Eventstream.cohorts : Call Cohorts tool as an eventstream method. .EventTimestampHist : Plot the distribution of events over time. .UserLifetimeHist : Plot the distribution of user lifetimes. Notes ----- See :doc:`Cohorts user guide</user_guides/cohorts>` for the details. """ __eventstream: EventstreamType cohort_start_unit: DATETIME_UNITS cohort_period: int cohort_period_unit: DATETIME_UNITS average: bool cut_bottom: int cut_right: int cut_diagonal: int _cohort_matrix_result: pd.DataFrame @time_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="init", ) def __init__(self, eventstream: EventstreamType): self.__eventstream = eventstream self.user_col = self.__eventstream.schema.user_id self.event_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_name self.time_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_timestamp self._cohort_matrix_result = pd.DataFrame() def _add_min_date( self, data: pd.DataFrame, cohort_start_unit: DATETIME_UNITS, cohort_period: int, cohort_period_unit: DATETIME_UNITS, ) -> pd.DataFrame: freq = cohort_start_unit data["user_min_date_gr"] = data.groupby(self.user_col)[self.time_col].transform(min) min_cohort_date = data["user_min_date_gr"].min().to_period(freq).start_time max_cohort_date = data["user_min_date_gr"].max() if DATETIME_UNITS_LIST.index(cohort_start_unit) < DATETIME_UNITS_LIST.index(cohort_period_unit): freq = cohort_period_unit if freq == "W": freq = "D" data["user_min_date_gr"] = data["user_min_date_gr"].dt.to_period(freq) step = np.timedelta64(cohort_period, cohort_period_unit) start_point = np.datetime64(min_cohort_date, freq) end_point = np.datetime64(max_cohort_date, freq) + np.timedelta64(cohort_period, cohort_period_unit) coh_groups_start_dates = np.arange(start_point, end_point, step) coh_groups_start_dates = pd.to_datetime(coh_groups_start_dates).to_period(freq) if max_cohort_date < coh_groups_start_dates[-1].start_time: # type: ignore coh_groups_start_dates = coh_groups_start_dates[:-1] # type: ignore cohorts_list = pd.DataFrame( data=coh_groups_start_dates, index=None, columns=["CohortGroup"] # type: ignore ).reset_index() cohorts_list.columns = ["CohortGroupNum", "CohortGroup"] # type: ignore cohorts_list["CohortGroupNum"] += 1 data["OrderPeriod"] = data[self.time_col].dt.to_period(freq) start_int = pd.Series(min_cohort_date.to_period(freq=freq)).astype(int)[0] converter_freq = np.timedelta64(cohort_period, cohort_period_unit) converter_freq_ = converter_freq.astype(f"timedelta64[{freq}]").astype(int) data["CohortGroupNum"] = (data["user_min_date_gr"].astype(int) - start_int + converter_freq_) // converter_freq_ data = data.merge(cohorts_list, on="CohortGroupNum", how="left") data["CohortPeriod"] = ( (data["OrderPeriod"].astype(int) - (data["CohortGroup"].astype(int) + converter_freq_)) # type: ignore // converter_freq_ ) + 1 return data @staticmethod def _cut_cohort_matrix( df: pd.DataFrame, cut_bottom: int = 0, cut_right: int = 0, cut_diagonal: int = 0 ) -> pd.DataFrame: for row in df.index: df.loc[row, max(0, df.loc[row].notna()[::-1].idxmax() + 1 - cut_diagonal) :] = None # type: ignore return df.iloc[: len(df) - cut_bottom, : len(df.columns) - cut_right]
[docs] @time_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="fit", ) def fit( self, cohort_start_unit: DATETIME_UNITS, cohort_period: Tuple[int, DATETIME_UNITS], average: bool = True, cut_bottom: int = 0, cut_right: int = 0, cut_diagonal: int = 0, ) -> None: """ Calculates the cohort internal values with the defined parameters. Applying ``fit`` method is necessary for the following usage of any visualization or descriptive ``Cohorts`` methods. Parameters ---------- cohort_start_unit : :numpy_link:`DATETIME_UNITS<>` The way of rounding and formatting of the moment from which the cohort count begins. The minimum timestamp is rounded down to the selected datetime unit. For example: assume we have an eventstream with the following minimum timestamp - "2021-12-28 09:08:34.432456". The result of roundings with different ``DATETIME_UNITS`` is shown in the table below: +------------------------+-------------------------+ | **cohort_start_unit** | **cohort_start_moment** | +------------------------+-------------------------+ | Y | 2021-01-01 00:00:00 | +------------------------+-------------------------+ | M | 2021-12-01 00:00:00 | +------------------------+-------------------------+ | W | 2021-12-27 00:00:00 | +------------------------+-------------------------+ | D | 2021-08-28 00:00:00 | +------------------------+-------------------------+ cohort_period : Tuple(int, :numpy_link:`DATETIME_UNITS<>`) The cohort_period size and its ``DATETIME_UNIT``. This parameter is used in calculating: - Start moments for each cohort from the moment specified with the ``cohort_start_unit`` parameter - Cohort periods for each cohort from its start moment. average : bool, default True - If ``True`` - calculating average for each cohort period. - If ``False`` - averaged values aren't calculated. cut_bottom : int, default 0 Drop 'n' rows from the bottom of the cohort matrix. Average is recalculated. cut_right : int, default 0 Drop 'n' columns from the right side of the cohort matrix. Average is recalculated. cut_diagonal : int, default 0 Replace values in 'n' diagonals (last period-group cells) with ``np.nan``. Average is recalculated. Notes ----- Parameters ``cohort_start_unit`` and ``cohort_period`` should be consistent. Due to "Y" and "M" being non-fixed types, it can be used only with each other or if ``cohort_period_unit`` is more detailed than ``cohort_start_unit``. More information - :numpy_timedelta_link:`about numpy timedelta<>` Only cohorts with at least 1 user in some period are shown. See :doc:`Cohorts user guide</user_guides/cohorts>` for the details. """ called_params = { "cohort_start_unit": cohort_start_unit, "cohort_period": cohort_period, "average": average, "cut_bottom": cut_bottom, "cut_right": cut_right, "cut_diagonal": cut_diagonal, } not_hash_values = ["cohort_start_unit", "cohort_period"] data = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() self.average = average self.cohort_start_unit = cohort_start_unit self.cohort_period, self.cohort_period_unit = cohort_period self.cut_bottom = cut_bottom self.cut_right = cut_right self.cut_diagonal = cut_diagonal if self.cohort_period <= 0: raise ValueError("cohort_period should be positive integer!") # @TODO добавить ссылку на numpy с объяснением. dpanina if self.cohort_period_unit in ["Y", "M"] and self.cohort_start_unit not in ["Y", "M"]: raise ValueError( """Parameters ``cohort_start_unit`` and ``cohort_period`` should be consistent. Due to "Y" and "M" are non-fixed types it can be used only with each other or if ``cohort_period_unit`` is more detailed than ``cohort_start_unit``!""" ) df = self._add_min_date( data=data, cohort_start_unit=self.cohort_start_unit, cohort_period=self.cohort_period, cohort_period_unit=self.cohort_period_unit, ) cohorts = df.groupby(["CohortGroup", "CohortPeriod"])[[self.user_col]].nunique() cohorts.reset_index(inplace=True) cohorts.rename(columns={self.user_col: "TotalUsers"}, inplace=True) cohorts.set_index(["CohortGroup", "CohortPeriod"], inplace=True) cohort_group_size = cohorts["TotalUsers"].groupby(level=0).first() cohorts.reset_index(inplace=True) user_retention = ( cohorts.pivot(index="CohortPeriod", columns="CohortGroup", values="TotalUsers").divide( cohort_group_size, axis=1 ) ).T user_retention = self._cut_cohort_matrix( df=user_retention, cut_diagonal=self.cut_diagonal, cut_bottom=self.cut_bottom, cut_right=self.cut_right ) user_retention.index = user_retention.index.astype(str) if self.average: user_retention.loc["Average"] = user_retention.mean() self._cohort_matrix_result = user_retention collect_data_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, not_hash_values=not_hash_values, performance_data={"shape": self._cohort_matrix_result.shape}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, )
[docs] @time_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="heatmap", ) def heatmap(self, width: float = 5.0, height: float = 5.0) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Builds a heatmap based on the calculated cohort matrix values. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. Parameters ---------- width : float, default 5.0 Width of the figure in inches. height : float, default 5.0 Height of the figure in inches. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ called_params = { "width": width, "height": height, } df = self._cohort_matrix_result figsize = (width, height) figure, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, fmt=".1%", linewidths=1, linecolor="gray", ax=ax) collect_data_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, performance_data={"shape": self._cohort_matrix_result.shape}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, ) return ax
[docs] @time_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="lineplot", ) def lineplot( self, plot_type: Literal["cohorts", "average", "all"] = "cohorts", width: float = 7.0, height: float = 5.0 ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """ Create a chart representing each cohort dynamics over time. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. Parameters ---------- plot_type: 'cohorts', 'average' or 'all' - if ``cohorts`` - shows a lineplot for each cohort, - if ``average`` - shows a lineplot only for the average values over all the cohorts, - if ``all`` - shows a lineplot for each cohort and also for their average values. width : float, default 7.0 Width of the figure in inches. height : float, default 5.0 Height of the figure in inches. Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes """ if plot_type not in ["cohorts", "average", "all"]: raise ValueError("plot_type parameter should be 'cohorts', 'average' or 'all'!") called_params = { "plot_type": plot_type, "width": width, "height": height, } not_hash_values = ["plot_type"] figsize = (width, height) df_matrix = self._cohort_matrix_result df_wo_average = df_matrix[df_matrix.index != "Average"] # type: ignore if plot_type in ["all", "average"] and "Average" not in df_matrix.index: # type: ignore df_matrix.loc["Average"] = df_matrix.mean() # type: ignore df_average = df_matrix[df_matrix.index == "Average"] # type: ignore figure, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if plot_type == "all": sns.lineplot(df_wo_average.T, lw=1.5, ax=ax) sns.lineplot(df_average.T, lw=2.5, palette=["red"], marker="X", markersize=8, alpha=0.6, ax=ax) if plot_type == "average": sns.lineplot(df_average.T, lw=2.5, palette=["red"], marker="X", markersize=8, alpha=0.6, ax=ax) if plot_type == "cohorts": sns.lineplot(df_wo_average.T, lw=1.5, ax=ax) ax.legend(loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_xlabel("Period from the start of observation") ax.set_ylabel("Share of active users") collect_data_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, not_hash_values=not_hash_values, performance_data={"shape": self._cohort_matrix_result.shape}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, ) return ax
@property @time_performance( scope="cohorts", event_name="values", ) def values(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a pd.DataFrame representing the calculated cohort matrix values. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return self._cohort_matrix_result @property @time_performance( # type: ignore scope="cohorts", event_name="params", ) def params(self) -> dict[str, DATETIME_UNITS | tuple | bool | int | None]: """ Returns the parameters used for the last fitting. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. """ return { "cohort_start_unit": self.cohort_start_unit, "cohort_period": (self.cohort_period, self.cohort_period_unit), "average": self.average, "cut_bottom": self.cut_bottom, "cut_right": self.cut_right, "cut_diagonal": self.cut_diagonal, }