Source code for retentioneering.tooling.sequences.sequences

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from typing import Callable, Literal, Tuple

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import colormaps, colors
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

from retentioneering.backend.tracker import (
from retentioneering.eventstream.types import EventstreamType

MetricsType = Literal["paths", "paths_share", "count", "count_share"]

[docs]class Sequences: """ A class that provides methods for patterns exploration. Parameters ---------- eventstream : EventstreamType See Also -------- .Eventstream.sequences : Call Sequences tool as an eventstream method. Notes ----- See :doc:`Sequences user guide</user_guides/sequences>` for the details. """ __eventstream: EventstreamType ngram_range: Tuple[int, int] groups: Tuple[list, list] | None weight_col: str metrics: MetricsType | None final_columns_level_0: list[str] group_names: Tuple[str, str] | None DEFAULT_GROUP_NAMES = ("group_1", "group_2") SEQUENCE_TYPE_GROUPS_COLUMN_NAME = ("sequence_type", "") SEQUENCE_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME = "sequence_type" RELATIVE_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME = "delta" ABS_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME = "delta_abs" ORIGINAL_METRICS_LIST = ["paths", "paths_share", "count", "count_share"] _vec_data: pd.DataFrame @time_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="init", ) def __init__(self, eventstream: EventstreamType): self._default_columns_level_0: list = [] self._sample_column_name: str | None = None self._full_metrics_list: list = [] self._samples_full = None self.__eventstream = eventstream self.user_col = self.__eventstream.schema.user_id self.event_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_name self.time_col = self.__eventstream.schema.event_timestamp self._sequence_df = pd.DataFrame() self._show_values_df = pd.DataFrame() def _sklearn_vectorization( self, events: pd.DataFrame, ngram_range: Tuple[int, int], weight_col: str ) -> pd.DataFrame: pattern_space = "}}}}}" corpus = events.groupby(weight_col)[self.event_col].apply( lambda x: "~~".join([el.replace(" ", pattern_space) for el in x]) ) vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=ngram_range, token_pattern="[^~]+", lowercase=False) vectorizer_result = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus) cols = pd.Series(vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()).str.replace(" ", " -> ") cols = cols.str.replace(pattern_space, " ") data = vectorizer_result.todense() vec_data = pd.DataFrame(index=corpus.index, columns=cols, data=data) vec_data.index.rename(weight_col, inplace=True) return vec_data def _calculate_metrics_df(self, vec_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: sequence_df = ( pd.concat([vec_data.sum(), vec_data.astype(bool).sum(axis=0)], axis=1, keys=["count", self.weight_col]) .fillna(0) .astype(int) ) sequence_df["count_share"] = sequence_df["count"] / sequence_df["count"].sum() sequence_df[f"{self.weight_col}_share"] = sequence_df[self.weight_col] / len(vec_data) sequence_df = sequence_df[self._full_metrics_list] return sequence_df def _add_support_set(self, vec_data: pd.DataFrame, weight_col: str) -> pd.DataFrame: sparse_matrix = csc_matrix(vec_data.values) idx = vec_data.index samples_full = [] for j, col in enumerate(vec_data.columns): non_zero_indices = sparse_matrix.indices[sparse_matrix.indptr[j] : sparse_matrix.indptr[j + 1]] samples_full.append([idx[non_zero_indices].tolist()]) samples_full = pd.DataFrame(samples_full, index=vec_data.columns, columns=[self._sample_column_name]) return samples_full @staticmethod def _sequence_type(x: str) -> str: temp = x.split(" -> ") n = len(temp) n_unique = len(set(temp)) if (n_unique > 1) and (temp[0] == temp[-1]): return "cycle" if (n_unique == 1) and (n > 1): return "loop" return "other" def _build_groups_df( self, vec_data: pd.DataFrame, groups: Tuple[list, list], group_names: Tuple[str, str] ) -> pd.DataFrame: vec_data["group"] = None vec_data.loc[groups[0], "group"] = group_names[0] vec_data.loc[groups[1], "group"] = group_names[1] group_mask = vec_data["group"].copy() vec_data.drop(columns="group", inplace=True) group_dfs = [] samples_dfs = [] for group in group_names: vec_data_group = vec_data[group_mask == group] sequence_df_group = self._calculate_metrics_df(vec_data_group) sequence_df_group.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([sequence_df_group.columns, [group]]) group_dfs.append(sequence_df_group) samples_full_group = self._add_support_set(vec_data=vec_data_group, weight_col=self.weight_col) samples_dfs.append(samples_full_group) sequence_df = pd.concat(group_dfs, axis=1) sequence_type = pd.Series(sequence_df.index).apply(lambda x: self._sequence_type(x)) sequence_df[self.SEQUENCE_TYPE_GROUPS_COLUMN_NAME] = sequence_type.values samples_full = pd.concat(samples_dfs, axis=1) samples_columns = [(self._sample_column_name, group_names[0]), (self._sample_column_name, group_names[1])] samples_full.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(samples_columns) for metric in self._full_metrics_list: sequence_df[(metric, self.ABS_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME)] = ( sequence_df[(metric, group_names[1])] - sequence_df[(metric, group_names[0])] ) sequence_df[(metric, self.RELATIVE_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME)] = ( sequence_df[(metric, self.ABS_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME)] / sequence_df[(metric, group_names[0])] ) final_columns = ( list(itertools.product(self._full_metrics_list, self._default_columns_level_0)) + [self.SEQUENCE_TYPE_GROUPS_COLUMN_NAME] + samples_columns ) index_cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(final_columns) sequence_df = sequence_df.merge(samples_full, left_index=True, right_index=True) return sequence_df[index_cols]
[docs] @time_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="fit", ) def fit( self, ngram_range: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1), groups: Tuple[list, list] | None = None, group_names: Tuple[str, str] | None = None, weight_col: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Calculate statistics on n-grams found in eventstream. Calculated metrics: - ``paths``: The number of unique paths that contain each particular event sequence (calculated within the specified ``weight_col``, or ``user_id`` by default). - ``paths_share``: The ratio of paths to the sum of paths. - ``count``: The number of occurrences of a particular sequence. - ``count_share``: The ratio of count to the sum of counts. Defined sequences types: - ``loop`` - if sequence length >= 2 and all the events are equal. - ``cycle`` - if sequence length >= 3 and start and end events are equal. - ``other`` - all other sequences. Parameters ---------- ngram_range : Tuple(int, int) The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different word n-grams to be extracted. For example, ngram_range=(1, 1) means only single events, (1, 2) means single events and bigrams. groups : Tuple(list, list), optional Can be specified to calculate statistics for n-grams group-wise and provide delta values. Must contain a tuple of two elements (g_1, g_2), where g_1 and g_2 are collections of path IDs (for the column specified in the ``weight_col`` parameter). group_names : default ('group_1', 'group_2') Names for the selected groups g_1 and g_2, which will be shown in the final plot header. weight_col : str, optional The column used for calculating 'paths' and 'paths_share' metrics. If not specified, the ``user_id`` from ``eventstream.schema`` will be used. For example, it can be specified as ``session_id`` if ``eventstream`` has such a ``custom_col``. Returns ------- None Notes ----- See the results of calculation using :py:func:`plot` method and the :py:func:`values` attribute. """ called_params = { "ngram_range": ngram_range, "groups": groups, "group_names": group_names, "weight_col": weight_col, } not_hash_values = ["ngram_range"] data = self.__eventstream.to_dataframe() self.ngram_range = ngram_range self.groups = groups self.weight_col = weight_col or self.__eventstream.schema.user_id self._sample_column_name = f"{self.weight_col}_sample" self._full_metrics_list = [self.weight_col, f"{self.weight_col}_share", "count", "count_share"] if group_names: self.group_names = group_names else: self.group_names = self.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAMES if self.groups: self._default_columns_level_0 = [ self.group_names[0], self.group_names[1], self.ABS_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME, self.RELATIVE_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME, ] data = data[data[self.weight_col].isin(list(groups[0]) + list(groups[1]))] # type: ignore vec_data = self._sklearn_vectorization(events=data, ngram_range=self.ngram_range, weight_col=self.weight_col) if self.groups: self._sequence_df = self._build_groups_df( vec_data=vec_data, groups=self.groups, group_names=self.group_names ) else: sequence_df = self._calculate_metrics_df(vec_data) sequence_type = pd.Series(sequence_df.index).apply(lambda x: self._sequence_type(x)) sequence_df[self.SEQUENCE_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME] = sequence_type.values samples_full = self._add_support_set(vec_data=vec_data, weight_col=self.weight_col) self._sequence_df = sequence_df.join(samples_full[self._sample_column_name]) = "Sequence" self._show_values_df = self._sequence_df.copy() collect_data_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, not_hash_values=not_hash_values, performance_data={"shape": self._show_values_df.shape}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, )
def _size_sample_ids( self, data: pd.DataFrame, sample_size: int | None, final_columns_level_0: list ) -> pd.DataFrame: if sample_size: displayed_columns = final_columns_level_0 + [self.SEQUENCE_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME] + [self._sample_column_name] data = data[displayed_columns].copy() def shuffle_and_slice(x: pd.Series, size: int = sample_size) -> pd.Series: # type: ignore np.random.seed(42) np.random.shuffle(x) return x[:size] if self.groups: for group in self.group_names: # type: ignore data[(self._sample_column_name, group)] = data[(self._sample_column_name, group)].apply( lambda x: shuffle_and_slice(x) ) else: data[self._sample_column_name] = data[self._sample_column_name].apply(lambda x: shuffle_and_slice(x)) else: displayed_columns = final_columns_level_0 + [self.SEQUENCE_TYPE_COLUMN_NAME] data = self._sequence_df[displayed_columns] return data @staticmethod def _create_plot( data: pd.DataFrame, heatmap_columns: list, precision: int | None ) -> # type: ignore m1 = data.eq(np.inf) m2 = data.eq(-np.inf) heatmap_plot_mask = data.mask(m1, data[~m1].max(numeric_only=True).max() + 1).mask( m2, data[~m2].min(numeric_only=True).min() - 1 ) cm = sns.diverging_palette(h_neg=246, h_pos=27, s=99, l=68, as_cmap=True) def add_background(s: pd.Series, cmap: str = "PuBu") -> list[str]: # type: ignore a = heatmap_plot_mask.loc[:,].copy() # type: ignore if a.min() >= 0: norm = mcolors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=-1, vcenter=0, vmax=a.max()) elif a.max() <= 0: norm = mcolors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=a.min(), vcenter=0, vmax=1) else: norm = mcolors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=a.min(), vcenter=0.0, vmax=a.max()) normed = norm(a.values) c = [colors.rgb2hex(x) for x in colormaps.get_cmap(cmap)(normed)] return ["background-color: %s" % color for color in c] plot_sequence_df_styler =, subset=heatmap_columns, cmap=cm).format( precision=precision, thousands=" " ) return plot_sequence_df_styler def _check_params( self, plot_sequence_df: pd.DataFrame, metrics: MetricsType | None = None, threshold: tuple[str, float | int] | None = None, sorting: tuple[str | tuple, bool] | tuple[list[str | tuple], list[bool]] | None = None, heatmap_columns: str | list[str | tuple] | None = None, ) -> Tuple[list, tuple, tuple, list]: replacements = {"paths": self.weight_col, "paths_share": f"{self.weight_col}_share"} replacer = replacements.get final_columns_full, final_columns_level_0 = self._check_metrics( plot_sequence_df=plot_sequence_df, metrics=metrics, replacer=replacer ) heatmap_columns_list: list heatmap_columns_list = self._define_heatmap_columns( heatmap_columns=heatmap_columns, replacer=replacer, final_columns_level_0=final_columns_level_0, final_columns_full=final_columns_full, ) sorting_checked = self._define_sorting_columns( sorting=sorting, replacer=replacer, final_columns_full=final_columns_full ) threshold_checked: Tuple[list | str | None, float | int | None] if threshold: threshold_checked = self._define_threshold_columns( threshold=threshold, replacer=replacer, final_columns_full=final_columns_full ) else: threshold_checked = None, None return heatmap_columns_list, sorting_checked, threshold_checked, final_columns_level_0 def _check_metrics( self, plot_sequence_df: pd.DataFrame, replacer: Callable, metrics: MetricsType | None = None ) -> Tuple[list, list]: if self.groups: final_columns_level_0 = [self.weight_col] else: final_columns_level_0 = self._full_metrics_list if metrics: if isinstance(metrics, str): # type: ignore final_metrics = [metrics] else: final_metrics = metrics if not set(final_metrics).issubset(set(self.ORIGINAL_METRICS_LIST)): unexpected_metrics = set(final_metrics).difference(set(self.ORIGINAL_METRICS_LIST)) raise ValueError( f"""Unexpected metrics value: {unexpected_metrics}. Should be a metric name or a list of metric names from {self.ORIGINAL_METRICS_LIST}.""" ) final_columns_level_0 = [replacer(n, n) for n in final_metrics] final_columns_full = list(plot_sequence_df[final_columns_level_0].columns) return final_columns_full, final_columns_level_0 def _define_sorting_columns( self, sorting: tuple[str | tuple, bool] | tuple[list[str | tuple], list[bool]] | None, replacer: Callable, final_columns_full: list, ) -> Tuple[str | list | tuple, bool | list | tuple]: # sorting if sorting: error_message_text_sorting = f"""Should be tuple or list with two elements: (column_name, bool) or ([column_name], [list of bool]). Note that those two elements should be the same length. For example: ('count_share', False), ([('count_share', 'delta'),('paths_share', 'delta')], [False, True]).""" sorting_columns: str | list | tuple sorting_direction: bool | list | tuple if not self.groups: if isinstance(sorting, (list, tuple)): # type: ignore if isinstance(sorting[0], str) and isinstance(sorting[1], bool): sorting_columns = [sorting[0]] sorting_direction = [sorting[1]] elif len(sorting) == 2 and all(isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)) for elem in sorting): sorting_columns = sorting[0] sorting_direction = sorting[1] if ( not all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in sorting_columns) or not all(isinstance(elem, bool) for elem in sorting_direction) # type: ignore or not len(sorting_columns) == len(sorting_direction) # type: ignore ): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected sorting parameter type. {error_message_text_sorting}") else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected sorting parameter type. {error_message_text_sorting}") else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected sorting parameter type. {error_message_text_sorting}") sorting_columns = [(replacer(col, col)) for col in sorting_columns] else: if isinstance(sorting, (list, tuple)): # type: ignore if isinstance(sorting[0], (list, tuple)) and isinstance(sorting[1], bool): sorting_columns = [sorting[0]] sorting_direction = [sorting[1]] elif len(sorting) == 2 and all(isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)) for elem in sorting): sorting_columns = sorting[0] sorting_direction = sorting[1] if len(sorting_columns) != len(sorting_direction): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"Unexpected sorting parameter type. {error_message_text_sorting}") else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected sorting parameter type. {error_message_text_sorting}") sorting_columns = [(replacer(col[0], col[0]), col[1]) for col in sorting_columns] if not set(sorting_columns).issubset(set(final_columns_full)): unexpected_sorting_columns = set(sorting_columns).difference(set(final_columns_full)) raise ValueError( f"""Unexpected sorting_columns name: {unexpected_sorting_columns}. {error_message_text_sorting}""" ) else: if self.groups: sorting_columns = final_columns_full[3] sorting_direction = False else: sorting_columns = final_columns_full[0] sorting_direction = False return sorting_columns, sorting_direction def _define_threshold_columns( self, threshold: tuple[str | list, float | int], replacer: Callable, final_columns_full: list ) -> Tuple[list | str | None, float | int | None]: threshold_column, threshold_value = threshold error_message_text_thresh = f"""Should be a tuple or list with column_name as the first element and int or float values as the second. For example: ('count_share', 0.5), (('count_share', 'delta'), 0.5).""" if not isinstance(threshold_value, (int, float)): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"Unexpected threshold parameter type. {error_message_text_thresh}") if not self.groups: if not isinstance(threshold_column, str): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"Unexpected threshold parameter type. {error_message_text_thresh}") else: threshold_column = replacer(threshold_column, threshold_column) else: if not isinstance(threshold_column, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected threshold parameter type. {error_message_text_thresh}") elif not len(threshold_column) == 2 and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in threshold_column): # type: ignore raise TypeError(f"Unexpected threshold parameter type. {error_message_text_thresh}") else: threshold_column = (replacer(threshold_column[0], threshold_column[0]), threshold_column[1]) # type: ignore if threshold_column not in final_columns_full: raise ValueError( f"""Unexpected sorting_columns name: {threshold_column}. {error_message_text_thresh}""" ) return threshold_column, threshold_value # type: ignore def _define_heatmap_columns( self, heatmap_columns: str | list[str | tuple] | None, replacer: Callable, final_columns_level_0: list, final_columns_full: list, ) -> list: error_message_text_heatmap = f"""Should be a column name or a list of column names. For example: ['count_share', 'delta'], [('count_share', 'delta'),('paths_share', 'delta')].""" if heatmap_columns: if not self.groups: if isinstance(heatmap_columns, str): heatmap_columns = [heatmap_columns] elif isinstance(heatmap_columns, (list, tuple)): # type: ignore if not all(isinstance(col, str) for col in heatmap_columns): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected heatmap_columns type. {error_message_text_heatmap}") else: raise TypeError(f"Unexpected heatmap_columns type. {error_message_text_heatmap}") heatmap_columns = [replacer(col, col) for col in heatmap_columns] else: if isinstance(heatmap_columns, (list, tuple)): if len(heatmap_columns) == 2 and all(isinstance(col, str) for col in heatmap_columns): heatmap_columns = [heatmap_columns] # type: ignore elif not all(isinstance(col, (list, tuple)) for col in heatmap_columns): raise TypeError(f"Unexpected heatmap_columns type. {error_message_text_heatmap}") heatmap_columns = [(replacer(col[0], col[0]), col[1]) for col in heatmap_columns] # type: ignore if not set(heatmap_columns).issubset(set(final_columns_full)): unexpected_heatmap_columns = set(heatmap_columns).difference(set(final_columns_full)) raise ValueError( f"""Unexpected heatmap_columns name: {unexpected_heatmap_columns}. {error_message_text_heatmap}""" ) else: if self.groups: heatmap_columns = list(itertools.product(final_columns_level_0, [self.RELATIVE_DELTA_COLUMN_NAME])) else: heatmap_columns = [f"{self.weight_col}_share"] return heatmap_columns # type: ignore
[docs] @time_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="plot", ) def plot( self, metrics: MetricsType | None = None, threshold: tuple[str, float | int] | None = None, sorting: tuple[str | tuple, bool] | tuple[list[str | tuple], list[bool]] | None = None, heatmap_cols: str | list[str | tuple] | None = None, sample_size: int | None = 1, precision: int = 2, ) -> # type: ignore """ Parameters ---------- metrics : {'paths', 'paths_share', 'count', 'count_share'}, optional Specify the metrics to be displayed in the plot. - If groups are specified, by default, only the 'paths' metric will be plotted within each group, along with both deltas (relative and absolute). - If ``groups=None``, all four metrics will be shown by default. threshold : tuple[str, float | int], optional Used to filter out infrequent sequences based on the specified metric. - Example without groups: ('paths', 1200) - Example with groups: (('user_id', 'group_1'), 1200) Only rows with values greater than or equal to 1200 in the specified column will be displayed. sorting : Tuple(str or list of str, bool or list of bool) or None, default None - The first element in the tuple: Column name or list of names for sorting. - The second element: The sorting order (ascending vs. descending). Specify a list for multiple sorting orders. If a list of bools is provided, it must match the length of the sorting columns. heatmap_cols : str or list of str or list of tuples or None Specifies columns to be represented in the heatmap as follows: - The heatmap range is calculated column-wise. - For columns containing negative values, the palette will be divergent (blue - orange with white as zero). - For columns with only positive values, the palette will be orange. - For columns with only negative values, the palette will be blue. Default values sample_size : int or None, default 1 Number of ID samples to display. precision : int, default 2 Number of decimal digits to show as fractions in the heatmap. Returns ------- Styled pd.Dataframe object. """ called_params = { "metrics": metrics, "threshold": threshold, "sorting": sorting, "heatmap_cols": heatmap_cols, "sample_size": sample_size, "precision": precision, } not_hash_values = ["metrics"] plot_sequence_df = self._sequence_df.copy() heatmap_columns_list, sorting_checked, threshold_checked, final_columns_level_0 = self._check_params( plot_sequence_df, metrics, threshold, sorting, heatmap_cols ) sorting_columns, sorting_direction = sorting_checked threshold_column, threshold_value = threshold_checked plot_sequence_df = self._size_sample_ids( data=plot_sequence_df, sample_size=sample_size, final_columns_level_0=final_columns_level_0 ) plot_sequence_df = plot_sequence_df.sort_values(by=sorting_columns, ascending=sorting_direction) if threshold: plot_sequence_df = plot_sequence_df[plot_sequence_df[threshold_column] >= abs(threshold_value)] if precision: plot_sequence_df = plot_sequence_df.round(precision) plot_sequence_df_styler = self._create_plot( data=plot_sequence_df, heatmap_columns=heatmap_columns_list, precision=precision ) self._show_values_df = plot_sequence_df collect_data_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="metadata", called_params=called_params, not_hash_values=not_hash_values, performance_data={"shape": plot_sequence_df.shape}, eventstream_index=self.__eventstream._eventstream_index, ) return plot_sequence_df_styler
@property @time_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="values", ) def values(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Returns a pd.DataFrame representing the fitted or plotted Sequences table. Should be used after :py:func:`fit` or :py:func:`plot`. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return self._show_values_df @property @time_performance( scope="sequences", event_name="params", ) def params(self) -> dict[str, tuple | None | str]: """ Returns the parameters used for the last fitting. Should be used after :py:func:`fit`. """ return { "ngram_range": self.ngram_range, "groups": self.groups, "group_names": self.group_names, "weight_col": self.weight_col, }