E-wallet dataset ================ Summary ------- The dataset was obtained from an e-wallet system to provide a real-world example for testing Retentioneering tools. The dataset contains a stream of user actions on the web platform. The data includes 338828 unique users and covers user activity between 2021-01-01 and 2021-04-07. The user trajectory averages about 7.5 events and has a duration of about 2 days and 21 hours on average. To protect end users privacy, as well as the the platform, all dates and identifiers have been modified. Do not try to reveal the identity of the platform. License ------- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International 4.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit `https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ `_. Retentioneering command cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the data or the validity of results based on the use of the dataset. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact `retentioneering support `_. How to use ---------- The dataset is available as a CSV-file following this `link `_. Dataset description ------------------- The dataset contains the list of the web-site pages visited by a user. Each record has the following fields: — ``user_id``: the unique user identifier; — ``event``: the name of a visited page; — ``timestamp``: the time of the visit. The format is ``YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss``. Here is the full list of events: .. raw:: html
Page Name Description
home the first page of the platform
landing one of the landing pages
service_terms complete terms and conditions of the platform
services pages with several additional services for unauthorized users
registration a registration form
login a login form
profile_recovery a form that helps to restore the profile
email_confirmed a message that the email is confirmed
verify_email an email confirmation form
main the main page in the authorized zone
open_account_main a page to create a new account
accounts_main a page with a list of all open accounts
open_account_kids a page to create a new child account
accounts_kids a page with a list of all open children's accounts
account the main page for the account, it also shows the account balance
account_details a page that shows banking information for the account, such as account number etc.
account_info a page that shows some additional information for the account
wallet the main page for financial operations
wallet_deposit the money deposit page
payment_selection a page for choosing of system through which deposit will be made
wallet_deposit_success a successful deposit message
wallet_deposit_fail a failed deposit message
wallet_transfer the money transfer page
wallet_withdrawal the money withdrawal page
order_history a page with a list of all account activity
order_statistics a page with some basic activity statistics
id_verification a form to verify the user's identity
profile the profile page
profile_edit a page that allows editing personal information
tariff_plans a page with conditions and a choice of different plans
subscriptions the subscription management page
promo a page showing some of the benefits of using the platform
loyalty_program a page with different bonuses within the loyalty program
referral_program a page that describes and helps manage the referral program
special_offers a page with list of some limited time offers for authorized users
support the support chat page
page_not_found a request for non-existent page