Source code for retentioneering.core.core_functions.get_clusters

# * Copyright (C) 2020 Maxim Godzi, Anatoly Zaytsev, Retentioneering Team
# * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Retentioneering Software Non-Exclusive License (License)
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import numpy as np

from retentioneering.visualization import plot_clusters
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture

[docs]def get_clusters(self, *, feature_type='tfidf', ngram_range=(1, 1), n_clusters=8, method='kmeans', plot_type=None, refit_cluster=True, targets=None, **kwargs): """ Cluster users in the dataset according to their behavior. Parameters ---------- feature_type: str (optional, default 'tfidf') Type of vectorizer to user to convert sequences of events to numerical vectors. Currently supports: {'tfidf', 'count', 'frequency', 'binary'}. ngram_range: tuple (optional, default (1, 1)) The lower and upper boundary of the range of n-values for different n-grams to be extracted. All values of n such that min_n <= n <= max_n will be used. For example an ngram_range of (1, 1) means only unigrams, (1, 2) means unigrams and bigrams, and (2, 2) means only bigrams. n_clusters: int (optional, default 8) Number of clusters to be identified. method: str (optional, default 'kmeans') Clustering method to use. Currently supports: 'kmeans' and 'gmm'. plot_type: str (optional, default None) Type of cluster statistics overview graph to plot after clustering. Currently supports: 'cluster_bar' targets: list (optional, default None) List of target events to be Only applies if plot_type = 'cluster_bar' refit_cluster: bool (optional, default True) If False, then cached results of previous clustering are used. (from .cluster_mapping attribute). If True recalculates clustering. Returns ------- Array of clusters as .cluster_mapping attribute Return type ----------- np.array """ index_col = self.retention_config['user_col'] event_col = self.retention_config['event_col'] # obtain vectorized features if hasattr(self, 'datatype') and self.datatype == 'features': features = self._obj.copy() else: features = self.extract_features(feature_type=feature_type, ngram_range=ngram_range) # obtain clusters if not hasattr(self, 'clusters') or refit_cluster: clusterer = globals()['_'+method] self.clusters = clusterer(features, n_clusters=n_clusters, **kwargs) _create_cluster_mapping(self, features.index.values) # init and obtain bool vector for targets: targets_bool = [np.array([False] * len(self.clusters))] target_names = [' '] if targets is not None: targets_bool = [] target_names = [] # format targets to list of lists: for n, i in enumerate(targets): if type(i) != list: targets[n] = [i] for t in targets: # get name target_names.append('CR: ' + ' '.join(t)) # get bool vector targets_bool.append((self._obj .groupby(index_col)[event_col] .apply(lambda x: bool(set(t) & set(x))) .to_frame() .sort_index()[event_col] .values)) if plot_type: func = getattr(plot_clusters, plot_type) func( features, clusters=self.clusters, target=targets_bool, target_names=target_names, refit=refit_cluster, **kwargs ) return self.clusters
[docs]def filter_cluster(self, cluster_name): """ Filters dataset against one or several clusters. Parameters ---------- cluster_name: int or list Cluster ID or list of cluster IDs for filtering. Returns ------- Filtered dataset as pandas dataframe Return type ----------- pd.Dataframe """ index_col = self.retention_config['user_col'] ids = [] if type(cluster_name) is list: for i in cluster_name: ids.extend(self.cluster_mapping[i]) else: ids = self.cluster_mapping[cluster_name] return self._obj[self._obj[index_col].isin(ids)].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def cluster_event_dist(self, cl1, cl2=None, *, top_n=8, weight_col=None, targets=[]): """ Plots distribution of top_n events in cluster cl1 compared vs entire dataset or in cluster cl2. Parameters ---------- cl1: int ID of the cluster to compare. cl2: int, (optional, default None) ID of the second cluster to compare with top events from first cluster. If None, then compares with entire dataset. top_n: int, (optional, default 8) Number of top events. weight_col: str (optional, default None) If None distribution will be compared based on events occurrences in datasets. If weight_col is specified, percentages of users (column name specified by parameter weight_col) who have particular events will be plotted. targets: list of str (optional, default []) List of event names always to include for comparison regardless of the parameter top_n value. Target events will appear in the same order as specified Returns ------- Plots distribution barchart """ event_col = self.retention_config['event_col'] index_col = self.retention_config['user_col'] clus = self.filter_cluster(cl1) if weight_col is not None: clus.drop_duplicates(subset=[event_col, weight_col], inplace=True) top_cluster = (clus[event_col] .value_counts() / clus[weight_col].nunique()) else: top_cluster = (clus[event_col] .value_counts(normalize=True)) # add zero events for missing targets for evnt in set(targets) - set(top_cluster.index): top_cluster.loc[evnt] = 0 # create events order: top_n non-target events + targets: evnts_to_keep = list(filter(lambda x: x not in targets, top_cluster.index))[:top_n] target_separator_position = len(evnts_to_keep) evnts_to_keep += list(targets) top_cluster = top_cluster.loc[evnts_to_keep].reset_index() if cl2 is None: clus2 = self._obj.copy() else: clus2 = self.filter_cluster(cl2) if weight_col is not None: clus2.drop_duplicates(subset=[event_col, weight_col], inplace=True) # get events distribution from cluster 2: top_all = (clus2[event_col] .value_counts()/clus2[weight_col].nunique()) else: # get events distribution from cluster 2: top_all = (clus2[event_col] .value_counts(normalize=True)) # make sure top_all has all events from cluster 1 for evnt in set(top_cluster['index']) - set(top_all.index): top_all.loc[evnt] = 0 # keep only top_n events from cluster1 top_all = top_all.loc[top_cluster['index']].reset_index() top_all.columns = [event_col, 'freq', ] top_cluster.columns = [event_col, 'freq', ] top_all['hue'] = 'all' if cl2 is None else f'cluster {cl2}' top_cluster['hue'] = f'cluster {cl1}' plot_clusters.cluster_event_dist( top_all.append(top_cluster, ignore_index=True, sort=False), event_col=event_col, cl1=cl1, sizes=[ clus[index_col].nunique() / self._obj[index_col].nunique(), clus2[index_col].nunique() / self._obj[index_col].nunique(), ], cl2=cl2, weight_col=weight_col, target_pos=target_separator_position, targets=targets )
def _create_cluster_mapping(self, ids): self.cluster_mapping = {} for cluster in set(self.clusters): self.cluster_mapping[cluster] = ids[self.clusters == cluster].tolist() def _kmeans(data, *, n_clusters=8, random_state=0, **kwargs): """ Finds cluster of users in data. Parameters ------- n_clusters data: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with features for clustering indexed as in ``retention_config.index_col`` max_n_clusters: int, optional Maximal number of clusters for automatic selection for number of clusters. If ``None``, then uses n_clusters from arguments. Default: `None``` use_csi: bool, optional If ``True``, then cluster stability index will be calculated. IMPORTANT: it may take a lot of time. Default: ``True`` random_state: int, optional Random state for KMeans clusterer. Default: ``0`` kwargs: optional Parameters for ``sklearn.cluster.KMeans`` Returns ------- Array of clusters Return type ------- np.array """ km = KMeans(random_state=random_state, n_clusters=n_clusters) cl = km.fit_predict(data.values) return cl def _gmm(data, *, n_clusters=8, random_state=0, **kwargs): """ Finds cluster of users in data using Gaussian Mixture Models. Parameters -------- data: pd.DataFrame Dataframe with features for clustering indexed as in ``retention_config.index_col`` max_n_clusters: int, optional Maximal number of clusters for automatic selection for number of clusters. If ``None``, then uses ```n_clusters`` from arguments. Default: `None``` use_csi: bool, optional If ``True``, then cluster stability index will be calculated. IMPORTANT: it may take a lot of time. Default: ``True`` random_state: int, optional Random state for GaussianMixture clusterer. kwargs: optional Parameters for ``sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture`` Returns -------- Array of clusters Return type -------- np.array """ km = GaussianMixture(random_state=random_state, n_components=n_clusters) cl = km.fit_predict(data.values) return cl