Data processors user guide#

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Creating an eventstream#

Throughout this guide we use our demonstration simple_shop dataset. It has already been converted to Eventstream and assigned to stream variable. If you want to use your own dataset, upload it following this instruction.

import pandas as pd
from retentioneering import datasets

stream = datasets.load_simple_shop()

What is a data processor?#

Data processor is a class that can modify eventstream data in some special and narrow way. For example, data processors can filter events, add some artificial but useful events, truncate user paths according to custom logic, and much more. Data processors are designed to be nodes of a Preprocessing graph, which allows us creating complex data processing pipelines.


An outline of a preprocessing graph#

Helpers and chaining usage#

A helper is an Eventstream method that applies a single data processor to the eventstream data and returns a new modified eventstream. Essentially, it is a shortcut for the cases when you want to avoid creating a preprocessing graph.

Since an outcome of a helper method is a new eventstream, it is convenient to use method chaining code style as it is present in other python libraries, such as Pandas, PySpark, etc. For example, here is how to apply AddStartEndEvents and SplitSessions sequentially:

res = stream\
    .split_sessions(timeout=(10, 'm'))\
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id session_id
0 path_start 0 path_start 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890 219483890_1
2 session_start 2 session_start 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890 219483890_1
3 raw 3 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890 219483890_1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
11 session_end 11 session_end 2019-11-01 17:59:32 219483890 219483890_1
6256 session_start 6256 session_start 2019-12-06 16:22:57 219483890 219483890_2
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
23997 session_end 23997 session_end 2020-02-14 21:04:52 219483890 219483890_4
23998 path_end 23998 path_end 2020-02-14 21:04:52 219483890 219483890_4

Hereafter we will use helpers instead of original data processor classes due to simplicity reasons. See some more complex examples of preprocessing here and here.

Data processors library#

The table below summarizes all the data processors implemented in retentioneering library.

Data processors overview#
Data processor

What it does


Add two synthetic events in each user’s path: path_start and path_end.


Cut user path into sessions and adds synthetic events session_start, session_end.


Add synthetic event new_user in the beginning of a user’s path if the user is considered as new. Otherwise adds existing_user.


Add synthetic event lost_user in the end of user’s path if the user never comes back to the product. Otherwise adds absent_user event.


Add synthetic event positive_target for all events which are considered as positive.


Add synthetic event negative_target for all events which are considered as negative.


Add synthetic events cropped_left and/or cropped_right for those user paths which are considered as truncated by the edges of the whole dataset.


Remove events from an eventstream.


Remove a too short user paths (in terms of number of events or time duration).


Leave a part of an eventstream between a couple of selected events.


Group given events into a single synthetic event.


Apply multiple grouping rules simultaneously.


Group sequences of repetitive events with new synthetic events. E.g. A, A, A A.


Apply a custom operation to an eventstream as if it is a pandas DataFrame

Data processors can be partitioned into three groups:

  • Adding: processors that add events to an eventstream;

  • Removing: processors that remove events from an eventstream;

  • Editing: processors that modify existing events in an eventstream (including grouping operations).

In the next sections we organise our narrative according to these partitions.

Adding processors#

The processors of that type add some artificial (we also call them synthetic) events to an eventstream. Let us go through each of them.


For each user, AddStartEndEvents generates an event called path_start right before the first user event, and an event path_end right after the last user event.


Applying AddStartEndEvents to mark user trajectory start and finish:

res = stream.add_start_end_events().to_dataframe()
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 path_start 0 path_start 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
10213 path_end 10213 path_end 2020-02-14 21:04:52 219483890

As the DataFrame above shows, the generated events path_start and path_end have identical timestamps as the corresponding first and last events.


We recommend applying this data processor each time you analyze an eventstream - since it explicitly sets the borders of an eventstream. It can help displaying user paths in TransitionGraph, StepMatrix, and StepSankey tools or calculating user lifetime.


SplitSessions data processor splits user paths into sessions according to some splitting condition. For each session, it creates a couple of synthetic events session_start and session_end, similar to AddStartEndEvents. Session identifiers are formed according to the template <user_id>_<user_session_number> and can be found in the column defined by session_id parameter. The user_session_number is associated with a session ordinal number within a user path and always starts with 1.


The splitting condition might be 3-fold:

  • based either on timeout between two consecutive events (timeout parameter)

  • based on a custom delimiting event or a pair of events (delimiter_events parameter)

  • based on a column that already contains session identifiers (delimiter_col parameter).

Below is an example of applying SplitSessions with 10 minutes timeout:

res = stream.split_sessions(timeout=(10, 'm')).to_dataframe()
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id session_id
0 session_start 0 session_start 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890 219483890_1
1 raw 1 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890 219483890_1
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9 session_end 9 session_end 2019-11-01 17:59:32 219483890 219483890_1
5316 session_start 5316 session_start 2019-12-06 16:22:57 219483890 219483890_2
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
21049 session_end 21049 session_end 2020-02-14 21:04:52 219483890 219483890_4

The result for one user is displayed above. We see that the user trajectory is partitioned into three sessions. The time distance between consecutive events within each session is less than 10 minutes.


In order to estimate appropriate value of timeout parameter, Eventstream.timedelta_hist() might be useful.

Suppose you have some events indicating the start and end of a session. You can define them in the delimiter_events parameter, so that SplitSessions can split sessions according to their occurrence. Note that the delimiting events will be replaced with session_start and session_end synthetic events. See an example in the SplitSessions documentation.

Also, sometimes you have pre-defined session splitting, so that a special column contains session identifiers. In this case you can pass this column name to delimiter_col parameter. session_start and session_end events will be added according to your custom session splitting. See an example in the SplitSessions documentation.


Given a list of users (considered “new”), the LabelNewUsers data processor labels those users in an eventstream by adding a synthetic new_user event to each user trajectory start. For all other users, adds an existing_user synthetic event. All users will be labeled as new when passed ‘all’ instead of a list.

new_users = [219483890, 964964743, 965024600]
res = stream.label_new_users(new_users_list=new_users).to_dataframe()
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890].head()
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 new_user 0 new_user 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
2 raw 2 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28 219483890
3 raw 3 cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
4 raw 4 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:32 219483890

We can see that user 219483890 is marked as a new user.

But user 501098384 is marked as an existing user:

res[res['user_id'] == 501098384].head()
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
17387 existing_user 17387 existing_user 2020-04-02 05:36:04 501098384
17388 raw 17388 main 2020-04-02 05:36:04 501098384
17389 raw 17389 catalog 2020-04-02 05:36:05 501098384
17390 raw 17390 main 2020-04-02 05:36:40 501098384
17391 raw 17391 catalog 2020-04-02 05:36:41 501098384

This data processor can be helpful when you have data that chronologically precedes the clickstream you are working with. For instance, your clickstream might cover 1-month of user data, and also you have the user login data for the whole year. In that case, you can use LabelNewUsers to split users into two categories:

  • new users,

  • users who have appeared this year before.


Given a list of users (considered “lost”), the LabelLostUsers data processor labels those users by adding a synthetic lost_user event to each user trajectory end. For all other users, adds an absent_user synthetic event. When passed a timeout timedelta value, the method labels users based on the following strategy: if the timedelta between the user last event and the eventstream last event exceeds timeout, label as lost_user; otherwise, label as absent_user.

lost_users_list = [219483890, 964964743, 965024600]
res = stream.label_lost_users(lost_users_list=lost_users_list).to_dataframe()
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890].tail()
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
5175 raw 5175 catalog 2020-01-06 22:11:28 219483890
9329 raw 9329 main 2020-02-14 21:04:49 219483890
9330 raw 9330 catalog 2020-02-14 21:04:51 219483890
9332 lost_user 9332 lost_user 2020-02-14 21:04:52 219483890

As opposed to user 219483890, the user 501098384 is labeled as an absent_user.

res[res['user_id'] == 501098384].tail()
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
39127 raw 39127 catalog 2020-04-29 12:48:01 501098384
39128 raw 39128 main 2020-04-29 12:48:01 501098384
39129 raw 39129 catalog 2020-04-29 12:48:06 501098384
39130 absent_user 39130 absent_user 2020-04-29 12:48:06 501098384

The function of this data processor is similar to LabelNewUsers, except that it adds labels to the end of user trajectory.

We can also run LabelLostUsers with timeout passed, to arbitrarily label some users as lost. Assume we consider a user absent if there have been no events for 30 days:

res = stream.label_lost_users(timeout=(30, 'D')).to_dataframe()

Before we inspect the results of applying the data processor, notice that the eventstream ends at 2020-04-29 12:48:07.

Timestamp('2020-04-29 12:48:07.595390')

User 495985018 is labeled as lost since her last event occurred on 2019-11-02. It’s more than 30 days before the end of the eventstream.

res[res['user_id'] == 495985018]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
47 raw 47 catalog 2019-11-02 01:14:08 495985018
48 raw 48 cart 2019-11-02 01:14:37 495985018
49 lost_user 49 lost_user 2019-11-02 01:14:37 495985018

On the other hand, user 819489198 is labeled absent because her last event occurred on 2020-04-15, less than 30 days before 2020-04-29.

res[res['user_id'] == 819489198]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
26529 raw 26529 main 2020-04-15 21:02:36 819489198
... ... ... ... ... ...
26544 raw 26544 payment_card 2020-04-15 21:03:46 819489198
26545 raw 26545 payment_done 2020-04-15 21:03:47 819489198
26546 absent_user 26546 absent_user 2020-04-15 21:03:47 819489198


AddPositiveEvents data processor supports two parameters:

  • targets - list of “positive” events (for instance, associated with some conversion goal of the user behavior)

  • func - this function accepts parent Eventstream as an argument and returns pandas.DataFrame contains only the lines of the events we would like to label as positive.

By default, for each user trajectory, an event from the specified list (and minimum timestamp) is taken and cloned with positive_target_<EVENTNAME> as the event and positive_target type.

positive_events = ['cart', 'payment_done']
res = stream.add_positive_events(

Consider user 219483890, whose cart event appeared in her trajectory with event_index=2. A synthetic event positive_target_cart is added right after it.

res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 raw 0 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28 219483890
2 raw 2 cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
3 positive_target 3 positive_target_cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
5116 raw 5116 cart 2020-01-06 22:10:42 219483890
5117 raw 5117 catalog 2020-01-06 22:10:52 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
9187 raw 9187 catalog 2020-02-14 21:04:51 219483890

In opposite to this user, user 24427596 has no positive events, so her path remains unchanged:

res[res['user_id'] == 24427596]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
68 raw 68 main 2019-11-02 07:28:07 24427596
69 raw 69 catalog 2019-11-02 07:28:14 24427596
... ... ... ... ... ...
71 raw 71 catalog 2019-11-02 07:29:42 24427596

This data processor can make it easier to label events that we would like to consider as positive. It might be helpful for further analysis with tools like TransitionGraph, StepMatrix, and SankeyStep - as it will help to highlight the positive events.

Another way to set positive events is to pass a custom function in func. For example, assume we need to label each target in a trajectory, not just the first one:

def custom_func(eventstream, targets) -> pd.DataFrame:

    event_col = eventstream.schema.event_name
    df = eventstream.to_dataframe()

    return df[df[event_col].isin(targets)]

res = stream.add_positive_events(
res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 raw 0 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28 219483890
2 raw 2 cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
3 positive_target 3 positive_target_cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
5116 raw 5116 cart 2020-01-06 22:10:42 219483890
5117 positive_target 5117 positive_target_cart 2020-01-06 22:10:42 219483890
5118 raw 5118 catalog 2020-01-06 22:10:52 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
9188 raw 9188 catalog 2020-02-14 21:04:51 219483890


The idea of AddNegativeEvents data processor is the same as AddPositiveEvents, but applied to negative labels instead of positive ones.

  • targets - list of “positive” events

    (for instance, associated with some negative result of the user behavior)

  • func - this function accepts parent Eventstream as an argument and returns pandas.DataFrame, which contains only the lines of the events we would like to label as negative.

negative_events = ['delivery_courier']

res = stream.add_negative_events(

Works similarly to the AddPositiveEvents data processor - in this case, it will add negative event next to the delivery_courier event:

res[res['user_id'] == 629881394]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
7 raw 7 main 2019-11-01 22:28:54 629881394
... ... ... ... ... ...
39 raw 39 delivery_courier 2019-11-01 22:36:02 629881394
41 negative_target 41 negative_target_delivery_courier 2019-11-01 22:36:02 629881394
44 raw 44 payment_choice 2019-11-01 22:36:02 629881394
... ... .. ... ... ...
13724 raw 13724 catalog 2020-03-30 03:19:59 629881394


LabelCroppedPaths addresses a common practical problem, when some trajectories are truncated due to the dataset’s natural boundaries.


The diagram above illustrates this problem. Consider two user paths – blue and orange. In reality, the blue path started before the beginning of the eventstream. But we cannot observe that - since we haven’t access to the events to the left from the beginning of the eventstream. So, instead of the actual start of the user path, we observe a “false” beginning, and the observed trajectory is truncated.

A similar situation occurs with the orange user path. Instead of the actual trajectory end, we only observe the “false” trajectory end.

One possible way to mark truncated paths is to detect trajectories that are “too short” for a typical trajectory, and whose shortness can be attributed to being truncated.

LabelCroppedPaths data processor uses passed left_cutoff and right_cutoff timedeltas and labels user trajectories as cropped_left or cropped_right based on the following policy:

  • if the last event of a user trajectory is distanced from the first event of the whole eventstream by less than left_cutoff, consider the user trajectory truncated from the left, and create cropped_left synthetic event at the trajectory start;

  • if the first event of a user trajectory is distanced from the last event of the whole eventstream by less than right_cutoff, consider the user trajectory truncated from the right, and create cropped_right synthetic event at the trajectory end.


Sometimes, it can be a good practice to use different cutoff values and compare them in some fashion to select the best.

It can be helpful to use TimedeltaHist method with specified event_pair=('eventstream_start', 'path_end') for choosing left_cutoff value and event_pair=('path_start', 'eventstream_end') for choosing right_cutoff.

See more about eventstream descriptive methods.

params = {
    'left_cutoff': (4, 'D'),
    'right_cutoff': (3, 'D')

res = stream.label_cropped_paths(**params).to_dataframe()

Displaying the eventstream start and end timestamps:

print('Eventstream start: {}'.format(res.timestamp.min()))
print('Eventstream end: {}'.format(res.timestamp.max()))
Eventstream start: 2019-11-01 17:59:13.273932
Eventstream end: 2020-04-29 12:48:07.595390

The trajectory of the following user ends at 2019-11-02 01:14:38 - which is too close to the eventstream start(for the given left_cutoff value), so the LabelCroppedPaths data processor labels it as truncated from the left:

res[res['user_id'] == 495985018]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
47 cropped_left 47 cropped_left 2019-11-02 01:14:08 495985018
48 raw 48 catalog 2019-11-02 01:14:08 495985018
49 raw 49 cart 2019-11-02 01:14:37 495985018

The trajectory of the following user starts at 2020-04-29 12:24:21 - which is too close to the eventstream end(for the given right_cutoff value), so the LabelCroppedPaths data processor labels it as truncated from the right:

res[res['user_id'] == 831491833]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
35627 raw 35627 catalog 2020-04-29 12:24:21 831491833
35628 raw 35628 catalog 2020-04-29 12:24:33 831491833
35629 raw 35629 product2 2020-04-29 12:24:39 831491833
35630 raw 35630 cart 2020-04-29 12:24:59 831491833
35631 raw 35631 catalog 2020-04-29 12:25:06 831491833
35632 cropped_right 35632 cropped_right 2020-04-29 12:25:06 831491833

Removing processors#


FilterEvents keeps events based on the masking function func. The function should return a boolean mask for the input dataframe(a series of boolean True or False variables that filter the DataFrame underlying the eventstream).


Let us say we are interested only in specific events - for example, only in events of users that appear in some pre-defined list of users. FilterEvents allows us to access only those events:

def save_specific_users(df, schema):
    users_to_save = [219483890, 964964743, 965024600]
    return df[schema.user_id].isin(users_to_save)

res = stream.filter_events(func=save_specific_users).to_dataframe()

The resulting eventstream includes these three users only:

array([219483890, 964964743, 965024600])

Note that the masking function accepts schema optional argument. Having this parameter defined, you can access any eventstream column, defined in its EventstreamSchema. However, you could also access user_id directly with df['user_id'] calling.

This makes such masking functions reusable regardless of eventstream column titles.

Using FilterEvents data processor, we can also remove specific events from the eventstream. Let us remove all catalog and main events, assuming they are non-informative for us:

    [lambda s: s.index.isin(['catalog', 'main'])]
catalog    14518
main        5635
Name: event, dtype: int64
def exclude_events(df, schema):
    events_to_exclude = ['catalog', 'main']
    return ~df[schema.event_name].isin(events_to_exclude)

res = stream.filter_events(func=exclude_events).to_dataframe()

We can see that res DataFrame does not have “useless” events anymore.

    [lambda s: s.index.isin(['catalog', 'main'])]
Series([], Name: event, dtype: int64)


DropPaths removes the paths which we consider “too short”. We might be interested in excluding such paths - in case they are too short to be informative for our task.

Path length can be specified in the following ways:

  • setting the number of events comprising a path,

  • setting the time distance between the beginning and the end of the path.

The former is associated with min_steps parameter, the latter – with min_time parameter. Thus, DropPaths removes all the paths of length less than min_steps or min_time.

Diagram for specified min_steps:


Diagram for specified min_time:


Let us showcase both variants of the DropPaths data processor:

A minimum number of events specified:

res = stream.drop_paths(min_steps=25).to_dataframe()

Any remaining user has at least 25 events. For example, user 629881394 has 48 events.

len(res[res['user_id'] == 629881394])

A minimum path length (user lifetime) is specified:

res = stream.drop_paths(min_time=(1, 'M')).to_dataframe()

Any remaining user has been “alive” for at least a month. For example, user 964964743 started her trajectory on 2019-11-01 and ended on 2019-12-09.

res[res['user_id'] == 964964743].iloc[[0, -1]]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
4 raw 4 catalog 2019-11-01 21:38:19 964964743
3457 raw 3457 delivery_pickup 2019-12-09 01:43:57 964964743


For each user trajectory, TruncatePaths drops all events before or after a particular event. The following parameters specify the behavior:

  • drop_before: event name before which part of the user’s path is dropped. The specified event remains in the eventstream.

  • drop_after: event name after which part of the user’s path is dropped. The specified event remains in the eventstream.

  • occurrence_before: if set to first (by default), all events before the first occurrence of the drop_before event are dropped. If set to last, all events before the last occurrence of the drop_before event are dropped.

  • occurrence_after: the same behavior as in the occurrence_before, but for right (after the event) path truncation.

  • shift_before: sets the number of steps by which the truncate point is shifted from the selected event. If the value is negative, the offset occurs to the left along the timeline; if positive, then the offset occurs to the right.

  • shift_after: the same behavior as in the shift_before, but for right (after the event) path truncation.

The path remains unchanged if the specified event is not present in a user path.


Suppose we want to see what happens to the user after she jumps to a cart event and also to find out which events preceded the cart event. To do this, we can use TruncatePaths with specified drop_before='cart' and shift_before=-2:

res = stream.truncate_paths(

Now some users have their trajectories truncated, because they had at least one cart in their path:

res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 raw 0 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28 219483890
2 raw 2 cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
3 raw 3 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:32 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
10317 raw 10317 catalog 2020-02-14 21:04:51 219483890

As we can see, this path now starts with the two events preceding the cart (event_index=0,1) and the cart event right after them (event_index=2). Another cart event occurred here (event_index=5827), but since the default occurrence_before='first' was triggered, the data processor ignored this second cart.

Some users do not have any cart events - and their trajectories have not been changed:

res[res['user_id'] == 24427596]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
89 raw 89 main 2019-11-02 07:28:07 24427596
90 raw 90 catalog 2019-11-02 07:28:14 24427596
91 raw 91 catalog 2019-11-02 07:29:08 24427596
92 raw 92 catalog 2019-11-02 07:29:41 24427596

We can also perform truncation from the right, or specify for the truncation point to be not the first but the last occurrence of the cart. To demonstrate both, let us set drop_after="cart" and occurrence_after="last":

res = stream.truncate_paths(

Now, any trajectory which includes a cart is truncated to the end with the last cart:

res[res['user_id'] == 219483890]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
0 raw 0 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13 219483890
1 raw 1 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28 219483890
2 raw 2 cart 2019-11-01 17:59:29 219483890
... ... ... ... ... ...
5639 raw 5639 catalog 2020-01-06 22:10:15 219483890
5640 raw 5640 cart 2020-01-06 22:10:42 219483890

Editing processors#


Given a masking function passed as a func, GroupEvents replaces all the events marked by func with newly created synthetic events of event_name name and event_type type (group_alias by default). The timestamps of these synthetic events are the same as their parents’. func can be any function that returns a series of boolean (True/False) variables that can be used as a filter for the DataFrame underlying the eventstream.


With GroupEvents, we can group events based on the event name. Suppose we need to assign a common name product to events product1 and product2:

def group_events(df, schema):
    events_to_group = ['product1', 'product2']
    return df[schema.event_name].isin(events_to_group)

params = {
    'event_name': 'product',
    'func': group_events

res = stream.group_events(**params).to_dataframe()

As we can see, user 456870964 now has two product events (event_index=160, 164) with event_type=‘group_alias’).

res[res['user_id'] == 456870964]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
157 raw 157 catalog 2019-11-03 11:46:55 456870964
158 raw 158 catalog 2019-11-03 11:47:46 456870964
159 raw 159 catalog 2019-11-03 11:47:58 456870964
160 group_alias 160 product 2019-11-03 11:48:43 456870964
162 raw 162 cart 2019-11-03 11:49:17 456870964
163 raw 163 catalog 2019-11-03 11:49:17 456870964
164 group_alias 164 product 2019-11-03 11:49:28 456870964
166 raw 166 catalog 2019-11-03 11:49:30 456870964

Previously, both events were named product1 and product2 and had raw event types:

stream.to_dataframe().query('user_id == 456870964')
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
140 raw 140 catalog 2019-11-03 11:46:55 456870964
141 raw 141 catalog 2019-11-03 11:47:46 456870964
142 raw 142 catalog 2019-11-03 11:47:58 456870964
143 raw 143 product1 2019-11-03 11:48:43 456870964
144 raw 144 cart 2019-11-03 11:49:17 456870964
145 raw 145 catalog 2019-11-03 11:49:17 456870964
146 raw 146 product2 2019-11-03 11:49:28 456870964
147 raw 147 catalog 2019-11-03 11:49:30 456870964

You can also notice that the newly created product events have event_id that differs from their parents’ event_ids.


schema parameter of the grouping function is optional as well as in FilterEvents data processor.


GroupEventsBulk is a simple extension of the GroupEvents data processor. It allows to apply multiple grouping operations simultaneously. The only positional argument grouping_rules defines grouping rules to be applied to the eventstream.

One option is to define grouping rules as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary must contain two keys: event_name and func, event_type key is optional. The meaning of the keys is exactly the same as for GroupEvents data processor.

            'event_name': 'product',
            'event_type': 'group_product',
            'func': lambda _df: _df['event'].str.startswith('product')
            'event_name': 'delivery',
            'func': lambda _df: _df['event'].str.startswith('delivery')

An alternative way to set grouping rules is to use a dictionary. The keys and the values are considered as event_name and func correspondingly. Setting event_type is not supported in this case.

        'product': lambda _df: _df['event'].str.startswith('product'),
        'delivery': lambda _df: _df['event'].str.startswith('delivery')


If at least two grouping rules might be applied to the same original event, ValueError is thrown. This behaviour is controlled by ignore_intersections flag. If ignore_intersections=True, the first grouping rule is applied in case of such conflicts.


CollapseLoops replaces all uninterrupted series of repetitive user events (loops) with one new loop - like event. The suffix parameter defines the name of the new event:

  • given suffix=None, names new event with the old event_name, i.e. passes along the name of the repeating event;

  • given suffix="loop", names new event event_name_loop;

  • given suffix="count", names new event event_name_loop_{number of event repetitions}.

The time_agg value determines the new event timestamp:

  • given time_agg="max" (the default option), passes the timestamp of the last event from the loop;

  • given time_agg="min", passes the timestamp of the first event from the loop;

  • given time_agg="mean", passes the average loop timestamp.

res = stream.collapse_loops(suffix='loop', time_agg='max').to_dataframe()

Consider for example user 2112338. In the original eventstream she had three consecutive catalog events.

stream.to_dataframe().query('user_id == 2112338')
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
3327 raw 3327 main 2019-12-24 12:58:04 2112338
3328 raw 3328 catalog 2019-12-24 12:58:08 2112338
3329 raw 3329 catalog 2019-12-24 12:58:16 2112338
3330 raw 3330 catalog 2019-12-24 12:58:44 2112338
3331 raw 3331 main 2019-12-24 12:58:52 2112338

In the resulting DataFrame, the repeating “catalog” events have been collapsed to a single catalog_loop event. The timestamp of this synthetic event is the same as the timestamp of the last looping event: 2019-12-24 12:58:44.

res[res['user_id'] == 2112338]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
5061 raw 5061 main 2019-12-24 12:58:04 2112338
5066 group_alias 5066 catalog_loop 2019-12-24 12:58:44 2112338
5069 raw 5069 main 2019-12-24 12:58:52 2112338

We can set the suffix to see the length of the loops we removed. Also, let us see how time_agg works if we set it to mean.

params = {
    'suffix': 'count',
    'time_agg': 'mean'

res = stream.collapse_loops(**params).to_dataframe()
res[res['user_id'] == 2112338]
event_type event_index event timestamp user_id
5071 raw 5071 main 2019-12-24 12:58:04 2112338
5076 group_alias 5076 catalog_loop_3 2019-12-24 12:58:23 2112338
5079 raw 5079 main 2019-12-24 12:58:52 2112338

Now, the synthetic catalog_loop_3 event has 12:58:23 time - the average of 12:58:08, 12:58:16 and 12:58:44.

The CollapseLoops data processor can be useful for compressing the data:

  • by packing loop information into single events,

  • removing looping events, in case they are not desirable (which can be a common case in clickstream visualization).


Pipe is a data processor similar to pandas pipe method. It modifies an input eventstream in an arbitrary way by applying given function. The function must accept a DataFrame associated with the input eventstream and return a new state of the modified eventstream.

stream.pipe(lambda _df: _df.assign(new_column=100))\
user_id event timestamp new_column
0 219483890 path_start 2019-11-01 17:59:13.273932 100
1 219483890 catalog 2019-11-01 17:59:13.273932 100
2 219483890 product1 2019-11-01 17:59:28.459271 100

Synthetic events order#

Let us summarize the information about event type and event order in the eventstream. As we have already discussed in the eventstream guide: event_type column and reindex method.

All events came from a sourcing DataFrame are of raw event type. When we apply adding or editing data processors new synthetic events are created. General idea is that each synthetic event has a “parent” or “parents” that defines its timestamp.

When you apply multiple data processors, timestamp collisions might occur, so it is unclear how the events should be ordered. For colliding events, the following sorting order is applied, based on event types (earlier event types are added earlier), also you can see which data processor for which event_type is responsible:

Mapping of event_types and data processors.#





























































